You Tube Videos

Below is an index of You Tube videos published by the Rock of Offence You Tube channel. Videos mot highlighted are in development and coming soon. Please click on links below to view You Tube videos.


About the Bible

Parables in the Bible

The Olivet Discourse Series

Spirit, Soul and Body Series

The Abomination of Desolation Series

Millennium Series

Great Tribulation Series

Babylon Series – see also Rev 17-18 Below

Babylonian Captivity Series

Revelation Series

Satan Series

Antichrist Series

Sabbath Series

False Signs and Wonders Series

Second Coming Series

Old Testament Prophecy

Giants Series

Jude Series

Prophecy in 1 and 2 Thessalonians

Birth of Jesus Christ

Occult in the Bible

Videos not Categorized




  1. Jesus or Jesus Christ?
  2. What is Repentance?
  3. What is a Religious Hypocrite?
  4. What is Saving Faith?
  5. Do we have Free Will?
  6. Meekness According to the Bible
  7. Romans Road to Salvation
  8. Is Baptism required for Salvation?
  9. Apostasy Now
  10. Can Salvation be Lost
  11. Why ALL Christians will ALWAYS Forgive
  12. Christian Freedom (Liberty) – What it is


About the Bible

  1. Christian Growth – How to Grow Spiritually
  2. The Keys to interpreting the Bible
  3. The Importance of Studying Prophecy
  4. What is Truth? Is the Bible Trustworthy?
  5. SHORT – Keys to Understand Bible
  6. Faith of Christ – How Churches Deceive



Parables in the Bible

  1. What is a Parable and their Important Purpose
  2. Salt that has Lost its Savor
  3. House on the Rock / House on the Sand
  4. New Cloth on an Old Garment (Tear is made Worse)
  5. New Wine in New Bottles (New Wine in Old Bottles)
  6. Desire for Old Wine, not New Wine
  7. Sower and the Seed
  8. Wheat and the Tares (Weeds)
  9. Mustard Seed
  10. The Woman and the Leaven
  11. Hidden Treasure in the Field
  12. Pearl of Great Price
  13. The Net in the Sea (Dragnet)
  14. Treasure, New and Old
  15. Blind Lead the Blind, Both Fall into Pit
  16. The Lost Sheep
  17. Unforgiving Servant
  18. Workers in the Vineyard
  19. The 2 Sons
  20. Evil Farmers in the Vineyard
  21. The Wedding Feast
  22. The Fig Tree without Fruit
  23. The Fig Tree in Leaf in the Last Days
  24. The Thief in the Night
  25. Wise and Foolish Servant at the Coming of the Lord
  26. 10 Virgins Waiting for the Bridegroom
  27. The Talents
  28. Separation of the Sheep and the Goats
  29. The Growing Seed and its Immediate Harvest of Fruit
  30. Desire for Old Wine, not New Wine
  31. The 2 Debtors
  32. Candle on a Candlestick
  33. Good Samaritan
  34. The Friend at Midnight that Needs Bread
  35. The Rich Fool
  36. Highest and Lowest Rooms at the Wedding
  37. Guests Invited to a Great Supper
  38. The Lost Coin and the Woman
  39. The Lost (Prodigal) Son
  40. The Unjust Steward
  41. Lazarus and the Rich Man
  42. The Unprofitable Servants
  43. The Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge
  44. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
  45. The 10 Servants and the 10 Pounds (Minas)
  46. The Shepherd and the Sheep
  47. The Thief Comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy


The Olivet Discourse Series


  1. Olivet discourse overview– Mat 24-25, Mar 13, Luk 21
  2. Mount of Olives in Prophecy– Mat 24:3, Mar 13:3, Luk 21:37
  3. Sabbath Day’s Journey (Jerusalem to the Last into Eternity)– Acts 1:12
  4. Not one Stone upon another – Temple Destroyed–  Mat 24:1-2, Mk 13:1-2, Luk 21:5-6, Luk 19:44
  5. First Question – When are Stones not one left upon another– Mat 24:3, Mk 13:3-4, Luk 21:7
  6. Second Question – The sign of Christ’s Return and the End of the World– Mat 24:3,29, Mk 13:3-4,24-25, Luk 21:7,25-26
  7. Sun Darkened, Moon no Light, Stars fall– Mat 24:29, Mk 13:24-25, Luk 21:25
  8. Powers of Heavens Shaken on Judgment Day– Mat 24:29, Mk 13:25, Luk 21:25-26
  9. Distress, Perplexity, Fear, Mourning – Reaction to Judgment Day– Luk 21:25-26, Luk 21:11
  10. The Sea and Waves Roaring on Judgment Day– Luk 21:25
  11. Son of Man comes in the Clouds with power and Great Glory– Mat 24:30, Mar 13:26 , Luk 21:27
  12. The Angels Gather the Elect on the Last Day– Mat 24:31, Mar 13:27, Luk 21:28
  13. The Great Sound of the Trumpet on the Last Day– Mat 24:31
  14. Lightning in Prophecy – Second Coming of the Son of Man– Mat 24:27, Luk 17:24
  15. Where the Carcass is, the Eagles are Gathered– Mat 24:28, Luk 17:37
  16. Great Deception in the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:4-5,11,23-26, Mar 13:5-6,21-23, Luk 21:8
  17. The false Christs (saying ‘I am Christ’)– Mat 24:4-5,23-24, Mar 13:5-6,21-22, Luk 21:8
  18. Difference between falsechrists and antichrists – Mat 24:5,24, Mar 13:6,22, Luk 21:8
  19. False Prophets in the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:23-24, Mar 13:21-22, Luk 21:8, Luk 17:23
  20. False Prophecy – Pretribulational Rapture– Luk 21:8
  21. False Prophecy – Christ in the Desert and Secret Places– Luke 21:8, Mat 24:23-26, Mark 13:21-23
  22. False Prophecy – Signs and Wonders– Mat 24:24, Mar 13:22
  23. Great Tribulation on the Church– Mat 24:9,21,29, Mar 13:19,24, Luk 21:23
  24. Babylonian Captivity – Type of Great Tribulation– Mat 24, Mar 13, Luke 21, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel
  25. Beginning of Sorrows (Birth Pains)– Mat 24:8, Mar 13:8, Luk 21:10-11
  26. Wars during the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:6-7, Mar 13:7-8, Luke 21:9-10
  27. Rumors of Wars and Commotion during the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:6, Mar 13:7, Luke 21:9
  28. Famines during the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:7, Mar 13:8, Luke 21:11
  29. Pestilences during the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:7, Mar 13:8, Luke 21:11
  30. Earthquakes during the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:7, Mar 13:8, Luke 21:11
  31. Christians Hated in the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:9-10, Mar 13:13, Luk 21:17
  32. Christians Killed in the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:9, Mar 13:12-13, Luk 21:16-18
  33. Christians Persecuted and Betrayed (Delivered) to Councils, Synagogues, Rulers and Kings– Mat 24:9-10, Mar 13:9,11-12, Luk 21:12-13,16
  34. Gospel to be Preached / Witness of God’s People by the Holy Spirit during the Great Tribulation– Mat 24:14, Mar 13:9-11, Luk 21:12-15
  35. Those who Endure unto the End shall be saved (Possess their Souls)– Mat 24:13, Mar 13:13, Luk 21:18-19
  36. Jerusalem compassed by armies– Luk 21:20, Luk 19:43
  37. 7 Desolations of Jerusalem Desolation is at hand– Luk 21:20, Mat 24:15, Mar 13:14
  38. The Abomination of Desolation spoken of Daniel standing in the Holy Place– Mat 24:15, Mar 13:14, Luk 21:20
  39. Those in Judea flee to the mountains, those in the midst depart, those in countries, do not enter – Mat 24:16, Mar 13:14, Luk 21:21-22
  40. Those upon Housetops, take nothing from the House – Mat 24:17, Mar 13:15, Luk 17:31
  41. Those in the field, turn not back again for clothes – Mat 24:18, Mar 13:16
  42. Woe to them with child and give suck in those days – Mat 24:19, Mar 13:17, Luk 21:23
  43. Pray your flight be not be in winter, nor sabbath day – Mat 24:20, Mar 13:18
  44. Woe to them with child and give suck in those days – Mat 24:19, Mar 13:17, Luk 21:23
  45. Pray your flight be not be in winter, nor sabbath day – Mat 24:20, Mar 13:18
  46. Fall by edge of the sword – Great Tribulation –  Luk 21:24
  47. Led away captive into all Nations – Great Tribulation – Luk 21:24
  48. Jerusalem trodden down of the Gentiles until Time of Gentiles Fulfilled – Luk 21:24
  49. Except days shortened, no flesh saved  – Mat 24:22, Mar 13:20, Luk 21:24
  50. Parable of the Fig Tree – Mat 24:32-36, Mk 13:28-33, Luk 21:29-33
  51. Days of Noah– Mat 24:37-39, Luk 17:26-27
  52. Days of Lot– Luk 17:28-29
  53. Parable of One Taken, One Left (two in the field, grinding mill) – Mat 24:36,40-42, Luk 17:34-36
  54. Parable of the Thief in the Night– Mat 24:43-44, 1 Thess 5:1-4
  55. Parable of the Faithful (Wise) and Evil Servants- Mat 24:45-51, Luke 12:42-46
  56. Parable of a Man on a Far Journey – Mar 13:34-37, Luk 21:34-36
  57. Parable of the 10 Virgins– Mat 25:1-13
  58. Parable of the Talents – Mat 25:14-30
  59. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats– Mat 25:31-46


More Videos in Development


Spirit, Soul and Body Series

  1. Part 1 – The Three Parts of a Person
  2. Part 2 – The Differences Between the Spirit and the Soul
  3. Part 3 – Spiritually Dead or Alive?
  4. Part 4 – Our Spirit and the Holy Spirit
  5. Part 5 – The Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit
  6. Part 6 – When Does Life Begin?…You May be Surprised
  7. Part 7 – What is Death?
  8. Part 8 – The Two Hells of the Bible
  9. Part 9 – Hell Now – What it is Like
  10. Part 10 – Lazarus, the Rich Man and Hell Now
  11. Part 11 – The Symbolic Meaning of Sleep
  12. Part 12 – The Abode of Dead Christians
  13. Part 13 – Do Ghosts Really Exist?
  14. Part 14 – What are Demons?
  15. Part 15 – Demon Possession and its Spiritual Meaning
  16. Part 16 – Where are Demons Today?
  17. Part 17 – Is Your Church a Haunted House?
  18. Part 18 – What do Angels Do?
  19. Part 19 – Angel Worship Today
  20. Part 20 – Who is Michael the Archangel
  21. Part 21 – What are Cherubim? 
  22. Part 22 – What are Seraphim? 
  23. Part 23 – Salvation of the Soul 
  24. Part 24 – Does Hell Last Forever? 
  25. Part 25 – Spirit, Soul and Body – Chart and Summary    
  26. Guardian Angels


The Abomination of Desolation Series

  1. Abomination of Desolation – Introduction / Abomination
  2. Abomination of Desolation – Desolation
  3. Abomination of Desolation – Holy Place
  4. Abomination of Desolation – Daniel and Conclusion


Millennium Series

  1. Millennium Now
  2. What is the Binding of Satan
  3. First Resurrection / Second Resurrection
  4. Premillennialism – False Prophecy
  5. Israel in Prophecy
  6. Millennium and Revelation Parallel Passages
  7. General Resurrection


Great Tribulation Series

  1. What is the Great Tribulation
  2. 7 Features of the Great Tribulation
  3. Feature 1 – All appears normal
  4. What does Antichrist mean
  5. Titles, symbols types of the antichrist
  6. How to recognize the antichrist
  7. Desolation of the Holy Place
  8. What is an Abomination
  9. What is the removal of the daily
  10. The False prophet of Rev 13
  11. Signs wonders fire from heaven
  12. What is the image of the beast
  13. Buying and selling and the Mark of the beast
  14. Mark of the Beast
  15. The Number of the Beast – 666
  16. Lawlessness in Great Tribulation
  17. Persecution


Babylon Series – see also Rev 17-18 Below

  1. Babylon is the False Christian Church
  2. Babylon – Tower of Babel
  3. Babylon – Spiritual Fornication
  4. Babylon’s Scarlet Beast
  5. Where is Babylon today?
  6. Who is in Babylon?
  7. The Merchants of Babylon
  8. The Sorcery of Babylon


Babylonian Captivity Series

  1. Babylonian Captivity Overview
  2. Babylonian captive in Olivet Discourse
  3. Causes of Babylonian Captivity
  4. Symbolism of Babylonian Captivity
  5. Symbolic meaning of scattering
  6. Famine sword pestilence beasts – 4 sore Judgments
  7. Siege of Jerusalem
  8. Destruction of Jerusalem
  9. Sabbath rest of the Land
  10. Return from captivity and regathering


Revelation Series


Satan Series

  1. The Prince of the Power of the Air


Antichrist Series

  1. Man of Sin – 2 Th 2
  2. King of Babylon
  3. Daniel 2 – Great Image
  4. Daniel 7 – Little Horn
  5. Daniel 7 – 3 horns plucked up
  6. Daniel 8 – Little Horn
  7. Daniel 8 – Little Horn – 2300 days
  8. King of the North 29-39
  9. King of the North – 3 ½, 1290 1335
  10. Dan 12 – Run to and fro knowledge
  11. Prince of Tyre
  12. 70 weeks prophecy – Part 1
  13. 70 weeks prophecy – Part 2 – 7 and 62 weeks
  14. 70 weeks prophecy – Part 3 70thweek
  15. New Testament – King Herod



Sabbath Series

  1. True Sabbath – Saturday Sunday Everyday?
  2. True Sabbath – daily activities
  3. Healing on the Sabbath
  4. Jesus in the Cornfield on Sabbath


False Signs and Wonders Series

  1. Signs and Wonders Overview
  2. Signs and wonders ceased
  3. Apostles Today?
  4. Day of Pentecost
  5. Baptism with the Holy Spirit
  6. Baptism in Fire
  7. Filled with the Holy Spirit
  8. When were the Disciples Saved?
  9. Simon the Sorcerer
  10. Apollos Baptism Ephesus
  11. Speaking in Tongues
  12. Symbolism Speaking in Tongues
  13. Cloven Tongues of Fire
  14. Latter Rain
  15. Laying on of Hands
  16. Healings
  17. Anointing Oil and Healing
  18. Healing the Lame
  19. Withered Hand healing
  20. Casting out Demons
  21. Discerning of Spirits
  22. Gift of Prophecy
  23. Dreams and Visions
  24. Wizards – Word of Wisdom / Knowledge
  25. Prosperity Gospel
  26. Tithing – the Big Lie
  27. Bring Tithes into Storehouse
  28. Slain in the Spirit


Second Coming Series

  1. The Last Day
  2. Second Coming
  3. Rapture or Resurrection
  4. Parable of the 10 Virgins
  5. Sheep and the Goats
  6. The Blessed Hope – 7 Aspects


Old Testament Prophecy

  1. How to Understand Old Testament Prophecy
  2. Noah and the Flood in Prophecy
  3. Jerusalem – Symbol of the Christian Church (10 Reasons)
  4. Jerusalem – the Literal meaning of the Name
  5. Lot, Sodom and Gomorrah in Prophecy
  6. The 6 Sins of Sodom
  7. Sodom as a Type of False Churches
  8. Was Lot Righteous? Days of Lot – Great Tribulation
  9. Lot’s wife as a Pillar of Salt (spiritual meaning)
  10. Feast of Trumpets in Prophecy


Giants Series

  1. Giants – spiritual importance
  2. Giants – Nephilim – Days of Noah – Type of Great Tribulation
  3. Giants – Anakim
  4. Giants – Rephaim – King Og
  5. Goliath Philistine Champion
  6. Goliath the Giant – His defiance
  7. Why did Goliath despise David?
  8. 5 Smooth Stones – David and Goliath
  9. Goliath Forehead / Beheading
  10. Goliath Head sent to Jerusalem


Jude Series

  1. Earnestly Contend for the Faith (Jude 1-3)
  2. Turning Grace of God into Licentiousness
  3. Deny God / Deny Jesus Christ
  4. False teachers – Those Saved out of Egypt Destroyed
  5. Fallen Angels – Type of False Teachers
  6. Fornication of Sodom point to False Teachers
  7. Blasphemy of False Teachers
  8. What is the Dispute about the Body of Moses?
  9. What is the Way of Cain?
  10. What was the Error of Balaam (False Prophet)?
  11. What is Gainsaying of Korah? (Korah’s Rebellion)
  12. Spots in Love Feast – False Teachers
  13. Clouds without Water carried by Wind – False Teachers
  14. Trees without Fruit, Withered, Twice Dead
  15. Raging Waves foaming out their Shame
  16. Wandering Stars / Blackness of Darkness – Spiritual Meaning
  17. What is Enoch’s Prophecy?
  18. What is Ungodliness? What is Godliness?
  19. Spiritual Murmuring and Complaining
  20. False Teachers – Swelling Words for Money / Admiration
  21. Mockers in the Last Time / Lustful
  22. False Teachers Separate Themselves (Ordained to Damnation)
  23. False Teachers Soulish / not having the Spirit
  24. What is Edification / Holy Faith
  25. What is Praying in the Holy Spirit?
  26. What does it Mean to Save with Fear
  27. Presented Faultless on Last Day – God Keeps us From Falling


Prophecy in 1 and 2 Thessalonians

  1. The Importance of Patience in Prophecy
  2. Not Appointed to Wrath / Delivered from Wrath
  3. Call of God into His Kingdom and Glory
  4. Christian Boasting – Crown of Rejoicing
  5. How Christians are Blameless – 2ndComing of Jesus Christ
  6. Those who Sleep in Christ – Raised at 2ndComing
  7. Why are the Dead in Christ Raised First?
  8. The Shout in Prophecy – 2ndComing of Jesus Christ
  9. What is the Voice of the Archangel?
  10. The Trumpet of God at the 2ndComing of Jesus Christ
  11. Caught up in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air
  12. Time and Seasons, but not the Day or the Hour
  13. The Last Day as a Thief in the Night
  14. Peace and Safety, then Sudden Destruction
  15. Pain of Childbirth (Travail in Labor)
  16. Prophetic Significance – Tribulation
  17. The Revelation of Jesus Christ – Salvation and Judgment
  18. Everlasting Destruction … by Fire
  19. Deception about Timing of Christ’s Return
  20. The Man of Sin is the Antichrist
  21. Son of Perdition – Antichrist and Judas Iscariot
  22. Restraint of the Man of Sin (Antichrist)
  23. Man of Sin – Sits in the Temple of God
  24. Man of Sin – Opposes and Exalts Himself over God
  25. 5 Traits of the Man of Sin
  26. The Real Meaning of Epiphany – Salvation and 2ndComing of Christ
  27. The Spirit of the Lord’s Mouth


Birth of Jesus Christ

  1. Jesus Christ to be Born in Bethlehem – 5 Reasons Why
  2. Magi from  the East
  3. Star in the East spiritual meaning
  4. The Taxation (Census) by Caesar Augustus
  5. The Angel Gabriel and His Message
  6. King Herod kills the Children of Bethlehem
  7. Rachel Weeping for Her Children in Bethlehem
  8. Nazareth – Spiritual Meaning
  9. Galilee – Spiritual Meaning



Occult in the Bible

  1. Divination – Spiritual Advice by Mystical Means
  2. Occult in the Christian Church – Overview
  3. High Places
  4. Worship of Baal / Bel
  5. Groves / Asherah
  6. Worshiping the Host of Heaven
  7. Child Sacrifice
  8. Astrology
  9. Magicians
  10. Magi from the East
  11. Observers of Times
  12. Enchantments
  13. Charmers
  14. Witchcraft / Sorcery
  15. Familiar Spirits
  16. Medium of Endor
  17. Desiring Contact with the Dead (Necromancy)
  18. Wizards
  19. Dreams (Visions)
  20. Manasseh’s Occult

Videos not Categorized

  1. Welcome to Rock of Offence – Jesus Christ (Prophet, Priest and King)
  2. Rock of Offence – The True Bible Meaning
  3. Christian Politics – The Christian and Voting
  4. What is the Evil Eye?
  5. Worship like a Dog
  6. Self-Love or Christian Love?
  7. Love – 15 Characteristics
  8. Salt of the Earth – Characteristic of Christians
  9. Foot washing in the Bible
  10. Pharisees – Today
  11. Sadducees – Today
  12. Herodians – Today




Parables Gospels –

Occult in Church –

Salvation –

Book of Jude –

Signs / Wonders –

Spirit / Soul / Body –

2nd Coming Jesus –

Bible –

Angels, Demons, Spirits –

Sodom and Gomorrah –

Old Testament Prophecy –

Great Tribulation –

Two Witnesses –

Abomination of Desolation –

Daniel Prophecies –

Giants in the Bible –

Babylon –

Antichrist –

Revelation –

Feasts / Sabbaths –

Millennium –

Wrath of God –

Sabbath Day –

Babylonian Captivity –

Eternity –

Beatitudes in Revelation –

Revelation 14 Judgment Day –

Revelation 19 Topics –

Woman and Dragon – Rev 12 –

7 Bowl Judgments –

144,000 in Prophecy –

Throne Room of Heaven ––6cm

7 Trumpets of Revelation –

Hell and Heaven –

Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians –

The Birth of Jesus Christ –

The Olivet Discourse –

Satan Series –

Numbers – Spiritual Meaning –