In the Bible, sorcery literally means to use drugs. The sorcery of Babylon is just another reference to the drunkenness that that is caused by Babylon’s fornication (worship of other gods and idols). In essence, Babylon not only makes people drunk with her fornication, but also drugged. Her sorcery includes the tools of music, church / parachurch building, false teaching of the Bible and persecution of God’s people.

Background – Deception of Sorcery
Old Testament References (H3784, H3785, H3786, 12 occurrences)
Enchantments (H2267, cheber, literally to ‘join’)
Three specific actions that resulted in worshiping false gods and idols
Tools of the harlot to worship false gods
Bible Teaching – Millstone Workers
Evangelism – Light of the Candle
The True Remnant – The voice of the bride and bridegroom
Background – Deception of Sorcery
By thy sorceries were all nations deceived (Rev 18:23)
First, it is important to recognize that when Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit, he will once again have the power (through the beast and false prophet, which is Babylon) to deceive the nations:
- And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. (Rev 20:3)
- And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. (Rev 20:7-8)
The word ‘deceived’ is from the Greek word planao from where we get the English word ‘planet’. The word ‘planet’ was used to describe the planets in our solar system since they ‘went astray’ or ‘wandered’ from the normal pattern of the stars seen in the sky. The word deceive in the Bible means to wander or stray from the truth. On the surface, deception can appear to be true. But under greater scrutiny, it becomes a lie. This term is used about 50 times in the New Testament and relates to false teaching within the church in most cases (e.g., Mat 24:4,5,11,24m Mk 13:5-6, 1 John 1:8, 3:7, Rev 20:3,8, Lk 21:8, 1 Cor 6:9, 15:33, Gal 6:7, 2 Tim 3:13, Titus 3:3, John 7:12, 1 Pet 2:25, 2 Pet 2:15, 2 Tim 3:13, Ro 1:27, James 5:20, 2 Pet 2:18, 1 John 4:6, Jude 11, 1 Thess 2:3,11, Eph 4:14, 2 Thess, 2 John 1:7, 2 Cor 6:8, 1 Tim 4:1, etc.). Worshiping of devils and giving heed to their seductions and doctrines is considered as idolatry as well (see 1 Tim 4:1, 1 Cor 10:20-21, Deut 32:17, Ps 106:37).
The Greek word for ‘sorcery’ is pharmekeia, which is the word for where the English word ‘pharmacy’ (medicines) comes from. This word pharmekeia is used 5 times in the New Testament. In all the other occurrences (Gal 5:20, Rev 9:21, Rev 21:8 and Rev 22:15), sorcery (pharmekeia) is used in a list of behaviors that are used in describing those who will be under the wrath of God (i.e., unsaved):
- Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal 5:19-21)
- Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. (Rev 9:21)
- But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (Rev 21:8)
- For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. (Rev 22:15)
Because the above 4 New Testament occurrences of pharmekeia (sorcery / witchcraft) only use the word in a list of other sins, a spiritualy meaning of this word is hard to determine. On the surface, it is tempting to simply equate the word pharmekeia with the use of chemicals (medicines) in one’s body since the English word ‘pharmacy’ is used for medicines and drugs. These drugs can alter bodily functions including the understanding of their circumstance or surroundings, similar to being drunk. In extreme amounts, people use medicines or drugs to alter their level of consciousness in order to achieve a ‘high’. However, just as drunkenness has a spiritual meaning, sorcery also has a much more profound and comprehensive spiritual meaning. Rev 18:23 helps define the Biblical meaning of sorcery from a spiritual perspective. From a spiritual perspective, sorcery is similar to drunkenness in that it warps one’s understanding of spiritual truth. It is a potential ‘feel good’ approach to Christianity and one’s relationship to God, but it involves deception, which God’s wrath will be directed towards. More specifically, the deception of Babylon is that it is acceptable to worship other gods and idols (a.k.a., worldliness).
Revelation 18:23 provides more information than the other 4 occurrences of ‘sorcery / witchcraft’ in the New Testament, but it is important to turn to the Old Testament to further define what ‘sorcery’ is referring to. In the Old Testament, Isaiah 47 is a prophetical passage concerning Babylon (of which several references in Rev 17-18 are derived). Rev 18:23 provides important linkage to the Old Testament reference to sorcery (see Isa 47:9, Is 47:12).
- But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments. (Isa 47:9)
- Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast labored from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. (Isa 47:12)
In these two passages, it can be concluded that the Rev 18:23 passage is connected to Is 47:9,12. In both of these passages, sorceries (Hebrew – kashaph, kesheph, H3784, H3785, H3786) are used.
Old Testament References (H3784, H3785, H3786, 12 occurrences)
In 2 Chr 33:6 and 2 Ki 21:6, the sin of ‘witchcraft’ is among the list of sins that King Manasseh encouraged in Judah. The Hebrew word for ‘witchcraft’ (kashaph – H3784, see also the conjugates H3785 and H3786) occurs 12 times and either translated as ‘witchcraft’ or ‘sorcery’. The word kashaph literally means ‘to whisper’. When we think of witchcraft in today’s modern culture, we think of a somewhat crazy person that is disheveled. We think of a person that practices secret tricks, spells and other devices to shape outcomes of life events. However, to understand the real spiritual meaning of this word, it is necessary to analyze the 12 occurrences of the word in the Old Testament and then relate the Old Testament word to any similar words in the New Testament by looking at quoted or referenced Old Testament verses that are discussed in the New Testament. We will see that the parallel word in the New Testament is the Greek word pharmakeia which is translated as either ‘witchcraft’ or ‘sorcery’. We know that the Old Testament word ‘kashaph’ and the New Testament word ‘pharmakeia’ since a verse in Rev 18:23 using the word ‘sorceries’ is a reference to Is 47:9 and Is 47:12, which uses the Hebrew word ‘kashaph’.
In the Old Testament, we find that witchcraft / sorcery is condemned in the Old Testament. In fact, the law of God requires that those who perform witchcraft be put to death (see Deut 18:10, Ex 22:18). God condemns witches / sorcerers (see Mal 3:5, Micah 5:12, Jer 27:9). Also, God commanded the future king of Israel (Jehu) to kill Jezebel, who was a witch (see 2 Ki 9:22, 2 Ki 9:30-37). In the Old Testament, we find that Pharaoh (of Egypt) had sorcerers that were able to replicate the miracle of Aaron. When Aaron threw down his rod and it became a serpent (see Ex 7:10-11), so did the witches (sorcerers) of Egypt. We can know from the Scripture (Ex 7:9, Ex 4:3) that the turning of Aaron’s rod into a serpent was a command of God, but that Pharaoh’s sorcerer’s action was ‘witchcraft’ (Ex 7:11). We find in Ex 7:11, that Pharaoh’s sorcerer’s used an ‘enchantment’ (lit: to blaze) to produce a serpent. It is likely that this was a magic art that was performed and the Scripture does not give us the details on how the serpent was produced ‘in a blaze’. It could be that there was a trick that caused a burst of flame while the sorcerer secretly produced his serpent. Similar imitations by the Egyptian magicians in the first two plagues of water to blood and production of frogs on Egypt (Ex 7:22, Ex 8:7) are also likely to be secret arts and not necessarily actual miracles. In the third plague of lice, the magicians were unable to produce lice (Ex 8:18) and the magicians reported to Pharaoh that the plagues must be from God. Nebuchadnezzar also had sorcerer’s who he called upon to interpret his dream, but were unable to do so (Dan 2:2).
The key occurrences of witch / sorcerer in the Old Testament occur in relation to Queen Jezebel (wife of King Ahab), Babylon and Nineveh. These occurrences combined with Revelation 18 provide strong evidence that the spiritual meaning of ‘sorcery / witchcrafts’ of the Bible is worldliness (the worship of other gods and idols).
In the passage that describes the death of Jezebel, we find that she was put to death for her whoredoms (relating to idol worship) and her ‘witchcrafts’ (see 2 Ki 9:22).
- And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? (2Ki 9:22)
Jezebel was the Zidonian woman (daughter of Eth-baal, Kind of the Zidonians) that King Ahab of Israel took to wife (1 Ki 16:31-33). The Zidonians worshiped Baal and the groves (Jud 10:6, 1 Ki 11:5, 1 Ki 11:33). Additionally, Jezebel cut of the prophets of God from the land (1 Ki 18:4, 1 Ki 18:13) and replaced them with 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the grove (asherim), which sat at Jezebel’s table (1 Ki 18:19). The 450 prophets of Baal were slain in Elijah’s challenge and as a result Jezebel sought godly Elijah’s life (1 Ki 19:1-2). The replacement of the prophets of God with the prophets of Baal and the groves was tied to Jezebel’s whoredoms of worshiping other gods. In 1 Ki 21:25-26, the Scripture tells us that Jezebel stirred up King Ahab’s heart to worship idols.
Jezebel also did a very wicked act described in 1 Ki 21:1-15, where she had false accusers claim that Naboth blasphemed God and the king, resulting in the death of Naboth. This allowed Ahab to claim Naboth’s vineyard. The name Naboth literally means ‘fruit’. Therefore, spiritually speaking Naboth (the fruit) was put to death by false witnesses that were raised so Ahab and Jezebel could acquire the vineyard (which is a spiritual portrait of God’s people – see Is 5:1-10, Mat 20:1-16, Mat 21:28-32, etc.). It should be seen that the story of Naboth’s vineyard foreshadows the desire of evil people to commit ‘witchcraft’ to acquire spiritual territory (see below discussion on Babylon). The ‘witchcraft’ of Jezebel is that she fraudulently stirred up false witnesses (deception) to testify a lie against Naboth resulting in his death (similar to what happened to Jesus Christ – Mat 26:59, Mk 14:55-56).
Jezebel is also featured in the New Testament:
- Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
(Rev 2:20)
Similar to the passages in the Old Testament regarding Jezebel, we find in Rev 2:20 the sin of fornication is the deception of the false prophetess Jezebel. Spiritually, fornication is the worship of other gods and idols (worldliness). In summary, the witchcrafts of Jezebel should be understood to be the deception of people by worldliness (the worship of other gods and idols).
- Because of the multitude of the whoredoms of the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts, that selleth nations through her whoredoms, and families through her witchcrafts. (Nah 3:4)
Another example of Old Testament is the ‘witchcraft’ of Nineveh. We find in Nahum 3:4 (see also Nah 1:1) that Nineveh is referred to as a whore, a mistress of witchcrafts. The book of Jonah records that the city of Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah and Jehovah God spared them (i.e., a portrait of salvation to the Gentiles). At this time, the people of Nineveh became Jehovah God’s people due to their repentance (Jonah 3:6-10, Jonah 4:10-11, Mat 12:41). The people of Nineveh became a great example of God’s salvation plan for all His chosen gentile people, not just those of the heritage of Israel. However, within just a few generations, the city had returned to worship false gods and therefore, was considered as a whore, since they rebelled from Jehovah God. They worshiped false gods by the art of ‘witchcraft’. Similar to Jezebel, the people of Nineveh used witchcraft to turn its people from the worship of the true God to the worship of false gods. Those actions are witchcrafts. It is also worthwhile to note in Nahum 3:4 that Nineveh also merchandised her harlotry similar to Babylon of Rev 18. This provides more evidence that the spiritual meaning of sorcery is worldliness (worshiping of other gods and idols).
The final Old Testament example (Is 47:9-12) is that of Babylon, which is notable since it directly relates to the New Testament (via Rev 18:23). Is 47 is a description of God’s judgment on Babylon, which becomes a portrait of the judgment in Rev 17-18 of the end times apostate Christian church. In part, judgment on Babylon is due to her ‘multitude of sorceries’. We know that Isaiah 47 also relates to the end time apostate Babylon church in Rev 17-18 due to the following verses in Isaiah 47 relating to Revelation 17-18:
- Is 47:1 – Rev 18:7
- Is 47:3 – Rev 18:5-8, 18:20
- Is 47:5 – Rev 18:21-24, Rev 17:3-5, Rev 17:18, Rev 18:7, Rev 18:16-19
- Is 47:8 – Rev 18:3-8, Rev 18:7
- Is 47:9 – Rev 18:8-10, Rev 18:21-23, Rev 18:23
- Is 47:11 – Rev 18:9-10
- Is 47:12 – Rev 17:4-6, Rev 18:23
- Is 47:14 – Rev 18:21
- Is 47:15 – Rev 18:11-19, Rev 18:15-17
We know from many places in the Old Testament that Judah was taken into captivity by Babylon due to the sins of Judah. But, to fully understand the meaning of witchcraft / sorcery, it is important to understand the sorcery of Babylon in Rev 18, which will be addressed below.
By relating Is 47:9 and Is 47:12 to Rev 18:23, we know that the witchcraft / sorcery of the Old Testament is the parallel word in the New Testament that is the Greek word pharmakeia (which is translated as either ‘witchcraft’ or ‘sorcery’). In the New Testament, pharmakeia is used 6 times. The word literally means ‘medicine’ or ‘drugs’ and is the word we get the current English word ‘pharmacy’ from. In the New Testament times, this word (G5331, G53432, G5333) was translated as ‘witchcraft/ sorcery’, and was likely used to reflect the sinful behavior of altering one’s mind by using chemicals / drugs. In 5 of the 6 occurrences (Rev 9:21, Gal 5:20, Rev 21:8, Rev 22:15), the word is used in a list of sins (harlotry, idolatry, murder, lying, unbelief, stealing, wrath, sedition, heresy, strife, jealousy, etc.) that are condemned by the Bible as being reflective of someone who is not saved and will be judged accordingly. The only occurrence that provides more insight as to what New Testament witchcraft / sorcery spiritually means is Rev 18:23. As the literal meaning of the word sorcery in the New Testament is to alter one’s thoughts by using drugs, we will find that spiritually speaking, sorcery can refer to altering one’s thoughts about the true God to worship false gods and idols (worldliness).
Revelation 17-18 describes the judgment on the end-time harlot, Babylon (Rev 17:1). The noun ‘whore’ (or harlot) is used throughout the Bible primarily to describe people who identify with Jehovah God, in name, but have rebelled from God and have joined themselves to serve other gods and idols in contradiction to the first two commandments (Ex 20:3-6). Other gods and idols refer to whatever a person worships or mostly values in their life (which could include money, false teaching about the true God, materialism, family, accomplishments, power, fun, cars, boats, work, sports, wisdom, new age philosophy, etc., etc.). Notably, we find that greediness is a form of idolatry (Col 3:5).
Israel in the wilderness (God’s church of the Old Testament – see Acts 7:38) was called a harlot because Israel rebelled from God and as a result, did not enter into the promised-land. Israel was caused to wander 40 years in the wilderness (Num 14:33) for her whoredoms. In Num 25:1, as influenced by Balaam (Num 31:15-16, 1 Cor 10:8), we find that Israel pursued whoredom by joining themselves to the daughters of Moab and bowed down to the gods of Moab (Num 25:1-3). Israel, at this time, joined themselves with Baal-peor, providing an example of whoredom by the worshiping of other gods.
Similarly, the northern 10 tribes (called Israel) and the southern two tribes (called Judah) also committed abominable whoredom just as their fathers did (Eze 20:30). Ezekiel 16 provides a history of the whore Israel and records her whoredoms she committed with idols of other gods (Eze16:17, 36). In Ezekiel 23, Israel and Judah are signified by two sisters (Oholah and Oholibah), which committed great whoredoms against God because of their service to false gods and idols.
In the book of Hosea, Israel is recognized as being an adulterous whore (Hos 3:3, Hos 4:10-18, Hos 5:3-4, Hos 6:10, Hos 9:1) in that she rebelled from God’s holy path. Hosea was told to marry a whore (Gomer), which symbolized the nation of Israel (Hos 1:2, Hos 2:2-5, Hos 3:3, Hos 4:10-15, Hos 4:18).
There are many other references to Israel / Judah being considered as an adulterous whore, which represented their going after false gods and idols (Eze 6:9, 43:9, Jer 3:1-9, 5:7, 2 Ki 9:22 (Jezebel), 2 Chr 21:11-15, Ex 34:15-16, Deut 31:16, Judges 2:16-17, Nah 3:4 (Nineveh), Micah 1:7, Pr 7:10, Ps 73:27, Ps 106:39, Lev 17:7, Is 1:21, etc.)
Enchantments (H2267, cheber, literally to ‘join’)
It should be noted that the word ‘enchantment’ is used in Is 47:9 and Is 47:12 in tandem with the word for ‘sorcery’. The word enchantment occurs 12 times in the Old Testament and the verses are listed below. The word reflects ‘a joining’. Hence, the word is sometimes translated as ‘enchantments’. The intent of these ‘enchantments’ I to join people together. Because we find this word used in concert with ‘sorcery’ in Is 47:9 and Is 47:12, it can be seen that the sorcery of Babylon is intended for joining people together (fellowship, unity around worldliness).
- Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. (Deu 18:11)
- Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. (Psa 58:5)
- It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide (Pro 21:9)
- It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide (Pro 25:24)
- But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments. (Isa 47:9)
- Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast labored from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. (Isa 47:12)
- And as troops of robbers wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdness. (Hos 6:9)
Three specific actions that resulted in worshiping false gods and idols
In Rev 17:2 and Rev 18:3, there are three actions that the harlot Babylon does to propagate its worldliness (worship of other gods and idols):
- Commit fornication with the kings of the earth
- Make all nations drink of the wine of the wrath (passion) of her fornication
- Make the merchants of the earth rich through the abundance of her delicacies
Because the book of Revelation is a spiritual, allegorical book, Scripture must be compared with Scripture (1 Cor 2:13) to understand the spiritual meanings of these three actions.
Commit fornication with the kings of the earth (Rev 17:1-2, 18, 18:3, 18:9):
As studied above, from a spiritual perspective, fornication (Greek: porneia) involves intercourse with other gods and idols. That is, spiritual fornication is violating the first and second commandments of God to not have any other gods before Him, nor worship any idols o anything in heaven, earth or sea. The noun ‘whore’ (or harlot – i.e., one who fornicates) is used throughout the Bible primarily to describe people who identify with Jehovah God, in name, but have rebelled from God and have joined themselves to other gods and idols. Other gods and idols refer to whatever a person worships or mostly values in their life (which could include money, materials, family, accomplishments, power, fund, cars, boats, work, sports, philosophy, etc., etc.). In Rev 17:18, the Bible says that Babylon reigns over the kings of the earth. This term ‘reigns’ is not a typical translation in the New Testament since the Greek word used is echo. The Greek word echo is used extensively in the New Testament and is typically translated as ‘hold’ or ‘have’. Therefore, the translation in Rev 17:18 could easily be to have or hold kings of the earth. Therefore, Babylon, as the corporate Christian church indeed can be viewed as having kings of the earth under her authority. There are a multitude of ‘kings’ of the earth that would be said to be held by one of the Christian denominations and churches. These churches often are important in shaping the belief structure of the leader.
Make all inhabitants of the world corrupted by drinking the wine of the wrath (passion) of her fornication (Rev 17:3, 18:3, 19:2):
As a result of Babylon’s fornication, the inhabitants of the earth become drunk and corrupted. To be drunk means to be spiritually drunk, which means that the one who is drunk loses their mental faculties to be able to spiritually discern truth from error. They are in a spiritual stupor. To be spiritually drunk is the opposite of being filled with the spirit (Eph 5:18). To be filled with the Spirit is to have the enlightening work of the Holy Spirit at work in one’s life by enlightening the word of God to the believer resulting in good works (Col 3:16, Col 1:9, Mat 5:6, John 14:26, etc.). To be drunk also relates to being in the dark since the Bible says that those who are drunk are drunk at night (1 Thess 5:7, Ro 13:13). They are in darkness and do not have the marvelous light of the Gospel (2 Cor 4:4-6, 2 Pet 1:19, 2 Tim 1:10). Therefore, through Babylon’s fornication, people become darkened due to their worship of other gods and idols rather than a worship of the true God by diligently studying the Word of God (2 Tim 2:15), who is Jesus. They are darkened in their understanding of the true and only God (John 1:4-10).
The word ‘corrupted’ (Greek ‘phtheiro’, Rev 19:2) means to become decayed. We find in Jude 10 that it is due to sin and false doctrine that people become corrupted. The unsaved man is corrupted by deceitful lusts (Eph 4:22). In 2 Cor 11:2-3, we find that our minds can be corrupted by the deceiving work of Satan. Finally, 1 Cor 15:33 teaches us that evil company corrupt good manners. By harmonizing these Scriptures, we can discover that the nature of the church Babylon is that it is corrupted due to sin. By having a blend of unsaved (majority) and saved (minority) persons within Babylon, even true believers can be affected by the false doctrine and sin to which they may be emboldened to partake of. Broad is the way to destruction, but narrow is the way that leads to life and there are few than find it (Mat 7:13). Babylon has grown into a very large, great church, but by so doing, it has increased in sin, especially the worship of false gods and idols. This leads to drunkenness and corruption.
Merchants became rich by Babylon’s merchandise, which is the abundance of her delicacies (Rev 18:3, Rev 18:7, Rev 18:11-13, Rev 18:15, Rev 18:23):
Merchants are those who buy and sell to make a profit. From a most basic spiritual perspective, all people are sold under sin (Ro 7:14). Is 50:1 says that by our iniquities, we have sold ourselves. That is, by our very sinful nature, we have been sold into the slave market of sin (Ro 6:16-22). At the point of salvation, we have been redeemed (literally, bought out of the slave market) by Jesus Christ (Gal 3:13, 1 Pet 1:18). Therefore, the most basic doctrine of salvation can be seen in terms of a Merchant (Jesus Christ) who has bought us out of the slave market of sin. As Is 52:3 and 45:13 teach, we have sold ourselves for nothing and we will be redeemed without money. We are instructed to come in our thirstiness to the waters of life. We have no money to buy, but we can come and buy and eat and drink (Is 55:1).
Merchants refer to those who are in the marketplace of religion. 2 Pet 2:3 refers to false teachers of Jesus Christ who through greed, make merchandise of Christian believers. They entice people with words that sound Christian, but in reality are untruthful. Some of the errors of these false teachers are discussed, for example, in 2 Peter 2 and the book of Jude. These errors include teaching a license to sin, sensuality, greed, false gospels, unfaithfulness and denying the Christ nature of Jesus (Prophet, Priest and King).
Those false Christian teachers are similar to those who made the temple a house of merchandise (John 2:16, Mat 21:12-15, Mk 11:15-17, Lk 19:45-46). The merchants are as those who profit from Christianity in the assembling of large church congregations who become very wealthy in buildings, people, status and ministries, but do not realize that they are spiritually poor (Rev 3:17). They have in essence made the house of God, a place of making money. The house of God has become a place to make money and create power and influence. The Christian church is an example of a very, very rich organization that controls people’s finances. In essence, it has become a den of thieves (Mk 11:17, Mat 22:15, Jer 7:11). In John 2:16, Mat 21:12-15, Mk 11:15-17, Lk 19:45-46, Jesus used the temple at Jerusalem as example of the merchandising of Christianity, similar to what is found in 2 Pet 2:3.
Tools of the harlot to worship false gods
We find in Rev 18:22-23 that the sorcerous methods that are used in order for Babylon to deceive Christians to follow false gods:
And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee; And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. (Rev 18:22-24)
We find in Rev 18:22-24, the types of activities that were occurring in Babylon, which included music, building, working at the millstone, lighting of candles, the voices of the bride and the bridegroom and the shedding of the spiritual blood of the prophets, saints and all who were slain on the earth. All these activities were the results of the ‘merchants’ building the false church of Babylon. All these activities are not necessarily bad in and of themselves, but they were used as a means of promoting and growing the great and idolatrous church of Babylon. Therefore, sorcery (at least in the New Testament) can be defined as Babylon’s actions that are described in the context of Rev 18:21-24:
- Music – The sound of harpers, musicians, pipers, trumpeters
- Craftsmen (church growth techniques)
- Millstone workers (labor in word)
- Light of the candle (evangelism)
- The voice of the bride and bridegroom (the true remnant of believers)
- The killing of the Prophets, Saints and all who were Slain on the Earth
Each of the above actions have spiritual meanings that need to be explored:
We have previously seen (see ‘Babylon’s Inhabitants’) that music can be viewed in either a positive or negative way. Mostly, in the Bible, musicians refer to praising God (e.g., Ps 147:3, 150:3, 92:3, 57:8, 33:2, etc). The entire book of Psalms is essentially the Word of God to music. Musical instruments were often an accompaniment to vocal singing (e.g., Ps 71:22, 98:5, etc.). Pipe music can be used in joyous occasions (1 Ki 1:40, Is 30:29, etc.). However, music can also be tied to worshipping idols as we find in Dan 3:5, 3:7, 3:10, 3:15. Also, in a negative way, it is tied to unrighteous mirth (e.g., Is 5:12, Is 23:16) and vanity (Amos 5:23, 6:5, 8:3,10, Is 23:15, Eze 33:31-32). Pipers are referred to in both the Old and New Testament. In the New Testament, it is referred to as negatively in referring to someone who pipes and other follow (i.e., follow the piper) (Lk 17:32). This underscores the power of music and how it can be used to emphasize praise, but can also be used as deception. In all cases, one must weigh the music one listens to by the content of the message and not the strength of the melody.
Therefore, we find that the use of music can be used in a negative manner. It can be used in a manner to dull one’s senses and sets up the conditions for deception. The tempo or style of the music is not as important as the message. However, the tempo or style of music can overshadow a positive message in the music and therefore, can lead to a sensual ‘high’ based on the tempo or style instead of the message. Similarly, a good style or tempo can allow for deceptive messages to be communicated to an unsuspecting listener. Often, the words in music played in churches are not directly from the Bible. They can be a summary of what one believes to be true, but can involve significant deception (especially concerning the way to salvation – i.e., free will versus the true Gospel of God’s election of those who are of the faith of Abraham).
Church Growth – Craftsmen
We have previously seen (see ‘Babylon’s Inhabitants’) that the Greek word for ‘craftsmen’ is the word ‘technites’ from where we get the word ‘technician’. The craftsmen of Babylon are ‘technically’ very good at building things. In Heb 11:10, we find that God is referred to as the builder of the heavenly city. But, in Acts 19:24-25, Acts 19:38, we find at the riot at Ephesus that those who made idols of Diana were also referred to by the same word technites (translated as ‘occupation’). Also, in Acts 17:29, we find the same use of this word at Athens referring to those who make idols. Finally, in Acts 18:3, we find that Paul and Aquila had the ‘craft’ (technites) of tent-making. So, we find that this word can be used in both a positive and negative sense. In Rev 18:22, it would similarly have a positive connotation insofar as Christians are sharing the Gospel, but also a negative connotation for those who would be building a church with wood, hay and stubble (1 Cor 3:12).
A strong feature of Babylon’s church is its desire to attract a large following and ‘build’ a church. There are many leaders of the church that are very good at developing methods to draw people into the church organization. So called side-door evangelism where churches use any and all tactics to bring people in the church is very prominent. These tactics can appear positive surface since they appear to help people in whatever need they are, but can often be deceptive since the Gospel of salvation is replaced with a social gospel of ministry needs. These tactics can result in large church growth that is based on a social gospel that appeals to mankind, but it is not based on the ‘offensive’ true Gospel of the depravity of man and God’s elective grace.
Bible Teaching – Millstone Workers
A millstone was a very heavy spinning wheel that can be used to grind (or pulverize) material. A millstone, similar to a craftsmen is tied to a person (often a woman (Ex 11:5) or a slave (Job 31:10, Lam 5:13, Jud 6:21, Is 47:2)) who works to produce flour which is used to make food (Is 47:2). We find in Mat 24:41 and Lk 17:35, that the workers at the millstone are used allegorically to reflect two people who are doing the same work, but one will be saved and the other not saved. Therefore, just as in the reference ‘craftsmen’, the workers at the millstone can be seen in a positive or negative way. One could be grinding to make food (e.g., bread, which can represent the Word of God, John 6:63, Deut 8:3, Is 55:10-11) or it could represent someone who is not saved, yet is toiling in the same spiritual work (e.g., trying to teach spiritual truth) as one who is saved.
Similarly, we find in Babylon that there are saved and unsaved workers at the grindstone that are making bread for the people. In other words, a millstone worker can be viewed as a person that teaches the Bread of Life, which is the Word of God (John 6:63, Deut 8:3, Is 55:10-11, Mat 4:4, Amos 8:11). The act of operating a millstone is to break down the grain into a more useable form for ingestion (similar to what a teacher does with the Word of God.
Teaching the Word of God is a grave responsibility that must be taken seriously in order to not deceive the listeners. The teacher must be diligent to show themselves approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of God (2 Tim 2:15). Unfortunately, the New Testament is ripe with many examples of deception and false teaching: Rev 22:18, Acts 20:27, Col 2, 2 Cor 11:3-15, Mat 7:15-23, 2 Tim 2:16-23, 2 Thess 2:9, Gal 1:6-8, Jude 3-4, etc. Babylon’s sorcery includes not only music and church growth methods, but also false teaching. False teaching leads to worshiping false gods and idols in one’s life when the focus is taken off of Jesus as the Christ (i.e. Prophet, Priest and King).
Evangelism – Light of the Candle
The true Gospel is a beautiful light in an otherwise dark world. In order to understand the Rev 18 reference to ‘light of the candle’ being present in Babylon, it is important to understand the nuance of ‘light’, ‘candle’ and ‘candlestick’. The candlestick supports the candle, which once ignited shines forth the true Gospel. The ‘candlestick’ (sometimes referred to as a lampstand) in the Bible refers to the true church of God itself (see Rev 1:12, Rev 1:20, Ex 25:31-40, etc.). The true church of God (not Babylon) is supposed to support the candle, which shines forth the Gospel. We find that a candle (Greek: lampos) refers to a true Christian (Mat 5:15 in the context of Mat 5:14-16, Mk 4:21, Lk 8:16, Lk 11:33 John 5:34-35, Lk 12:35). The light (Greek – phos) is the Gospel of Jesus Christ itself (2 Cor 4:6, John 8:12, Eph 5:8, Col 1:12, 1 John 2:7-10, John 1:4-9).
Babylon, as the wicked end-time Christian corporate church indeed has the light of the candle in that it contains true Christians that know, believe and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But this Gospel is often perverted by the deception that exists in Babylon. This perversion of the Gospel by offering anyone and everyone a ‘free-will’, name it and claim it false gospel is rampant within organized Christianity causing the church to balloon with unsaved nominal members (Mat 7:21-23). This doctrine as well as non-Biblical doctrines are false gods and idols since they cause people to worship other ideas and philosophies other than Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God. The essence of the Gospel is there, but it is perverted by a large contingent of false demonic ministers and congregants that control the organized Christian church. Satan and his ministers have taken their seat in the temple of God (2 Thess 2) and the abomination of desolation is in place (Mat 24:15).
The True Remnant – The voice of the bride and bridegroom
Paradoxically, Babylon allows true Christians to remain within her midst. The voice of the bride and the bridegroom refers to the truth of Jesus Christ (the bridegroom) and the true church (the bride) (Ps 19:5, Mat 9:15, Mat 25:1-10, Eph 5:25-27, Rev 21:2,9,17, John 3:29, Jer 2:32, Jer 7:34, Jer 16:9, Mk 2:19-20, Lk 5:34-35, Is 61:10, Is 49:18, Joel 2:16, ). Notably, in Rev 21:2, Rev 21:9 and Rev 22:17, we find the true church referred to as New Jerusalem and the Bride. So the voice of Christ and the true church, New Jerusalem were heard in Babylon, but evil Babylon held majority control of the world’s leaders (politics) and inhabitants. Many will say in Judgment Day that they did great things for the Lord, but will find that they were serving Babylon and not God (Mat 7:21-23).
Importantly, we find that true Christians are commanded to flee from Babylon in Rev 18:4 (see also Jer 51:6, Jer 51:45, Jer 51;50, Mat 24:15-16, 2 Cor 6:17, Is 52:11) that they be not partakers of her sins. Although true Christians want to fellowship with like-minded believers, Babylon is deceptive, sinful an ultimately powered by Satan and his demonic ministers. Therefore, they must depart.
- Drunk with the blood of saints and martyrs of Jesus (Rev 17:6, 18:20, 19:2)
- Shed blood of prophets, saints, servants of God and all who were slain (Rev 18:24, 19:2)
Although Babylon has made the inhabitants of the earth drunk with the wind of her fornication (Rev 17:2), she herself is drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus (Rev 17:6). To be drunk means to be able to not be able to spiritually discern right from wrong. It is the opposite of being filled with the spirit (Eph 5:18) in order to be able to distinguish true from error. In her drunken stupor, Babylon cannot recognize that drinking the blood of the saints and martyrs is wrong. As the Bible teaches, the life of a person is in the blood (Lev 17:17). Babylon has spiritually taken the lives away from the saints and martyrs of Jesus. All true Christians are saints (1 Pet 1:2, 15, 2:24, 2 Thess 2:13, Heb 13:1, Col 2:11-13, 1 Cor 1:2, etc.) and martyrs (which literally means witnesses – 2 Cor 1:12, 2 Thess 1:10, Heb 11:4, 1 John 1:2, 1 Tim 6:13, etc.).
It is Biblically incorrect that saints (i.e., holy ones) and martyrs (i.e., witnesses) are a higher class of Christians. All true Christians are holy and all true Christians have been crucified with Christ, die daily and were buried with Him (Gal 2:20, 5:24, 6:14, Ro 6:1-11, 1 Pet 2:24, Col 2:12, Is 53:9, 1 Cor 15:31, 2 Cor 11:23, 2 Cor 4:10-11). We are killed all the day long (Ro 8:36) as we are persecuted, die to self and live for Christ. Babylon has accounted true Christians in her midst as sheep to be slaughtered (Ro 8:36). We are made to be spectacles and fools for Christ as we stand for the truth of God. Babylon, in her love of the worship of other gods and idols of money, riches, pleasures, worldiness, etc. seek to silence and persecute the true believers in her midst that stand with Christ, live godly and speak the truth in love. All Christians are also referred to as servants (or slaves) of Christ (2 Tim 2:24, 1 Pet 2:16, Eph 6:5-6, Ro 6:15-23, Ja 1:1, 2 Pet 1:1, Rev 1:1, 22:6, etc.). As slaves, Christians will practice righteousness and would not want to participate in the worldliness of activities within Babylon. Unlike Babylon, Christians do not love the things of the world: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (1 John 2:15-17). However, Babylon lusts after the things of the world (Rev 18:14).
Finally, the reference to Babylon shedding the blood of all who were slain on the earth. Spiritually speaking, everyone who hates his brother is a murderer (1 John 3:15). To murder other people is to not love them, but to hate them. The greatest love we have for our brother is to desire their salvation. The standard of Jesus is that being angry with our brother is already considered as murder and calling him a fool is murder (Mat 5:21-22). We find in Pr 11:9 that a hypocrite, with his mouth, destroys his neighbor. Those who preach false gospels are akin to poisonous asps and their throat is as an open grave (Ro 3:13-16). With their tongues, they bend their bows with lies and are not valiant for the truth (Jer 9:3). These false prophets smite with their tongues (Jer 18:18) and sharpen their tongues like a serpent and are poisonous (Ps 140:3, James 3:8). Death and life is in the power on the tongue (Pr 18:21). Babylon uses her tongue to slay all those who inhabit the earth with her deadly poison of the false gospel of lust, worldliness and pervert the Gospel into lasciviousness (Jude 3-4). She brings a false gospel of a works-based, free-will salvation program (Gal 1:6-10, etc.). Christians in the corporate Christian church, Babylon, is like being among lions who are set on fire with teeth as spears and arrows and their tongues are like a sharp sword (Ps 57:4). Swords are in their lips (Ps 59:7, 64:3, 120:3) as we discover that our spiritual battle (Eph 6) is within the corporate church called Babylon.
In 1 Pet 5:13, God informs us that Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote 1 Peter while with the elect at the city of Babylon. It is interesting to observe that the over-riding theme of the book of 1 Peter is about suffering and the book was addressed to all the elect (chosen) in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia (1 Pet 1:1-2). The following sections discuss Christian suffering as: citizens in government (2:11-17), servants to earthly masters (2:18-25), in family relationships (3:1-12), in persecution (3:13-22), striving against sin (4:1-7), in Christian service (4:8-19, 5:1-11).