The Siege of Jerusalem – Famine, Cannibalism and the Message to the Church Today

During the Babylonian captivity of Judah, a siege of Jerusalem occurred for 18 months beginning in 588 B.C. and ending in 586 B.C,  During the siege, the resultant famine became so bad that people resorted to cannibalism to survive.  However, the famine and resultant cannibalism have important spiritual meaning for the Christian church today since the Babylonian Captivity was a type of the final Great Tribulation (which occurs just prior to the return of Jesus Christ).  Famine is a symbol for not hearing the Word of God (Bible) which ultimately results of the ‘cannibalism’ of hating one another due to not loving one’s neighbor.  The destruction of Jerusalem is also described in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, pointing to the ruin of the Christian church during the Great Tribulation.  Please click on the video below for more information or click this link for more information.

Jerusalem Siege

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