Prince of the Power of the Air – The Spiritual Work of Satan

Most Christians recognize that the Prince of the Power of the Air is a title for Satan. But, it is important to understand the spiritual significance of the ‘Power of the Air’. It is evident from the Bible that Satan has many names and titles. For example Rev 12:9 and Rev 20:2 list four names / descriptions: Dragon, Serpent, Devil and Satan. The Dragon represents his power. Serpent points to his deceptive nature. Devil points to him as an accuser / attacker. Satan indicates that he opposes God and His people. But, the title ‘Prince of the Power of the Air’ provides another level understanding of the evil nature of Satan. Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Also, please visit the Rock of Offence website for more information.

The Prince of the Power of the Air

prince power air

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