The Bible warns people not to follow and trust wizards. In the Bible, a wizard is literally, a ‘Knowing one’ . In other words, it is someone that is filled with knowledge and desire that people trust their knowledge. The only true and valuable knowledge is that which is found in the Bible. However, in… Continue reading Wizards in the Church
Seeking the Dead – Necromancy
The Bible warns people not to seek the dead. Seeking the dead is necromancy. Rather, people should seek the Living God. But, many people believe that their dead loved ones are still in contact with them in a spiritual senses. It is important to understand people who seek the dead among the living is a… Continue reading Seeking the Dead – Necromancy
Witch of Endor – Spiritual Meaning
Was the Witch of Endor really a Witch? No, she was a ‘medium’ of a familiar spirit. In the Bible, there is several references to familiar spirits. But, exactly what are familiar spirits? When the Bible is examined, it can be understood that they are demons. Demons promote idolatry and false teaching. This occurs not… Continue reading Witch of Endor – Spiritual Meaning
Familiar Spirits in the Church
In the Bible, there is several references to familiar spirits. But, exact; what are familiar spirits? When the Bible is examined, it can be understood that they are demons. Demons promote idolatry and false teaching. This occurs not only in the world, but also within the church. For example, we find that the ‘Witch’ of… Continue reading Familiar Spirits in the Church
Witchcraft (Sorcery) in the Church
In the Bible, there are several references to witchcraft (also translated as sorcery). Most think that witchcraft (sorcery) is surely not in the church today. But, the Bible defines witchcraft as being the same as the worship of other gods and idols. In other words, worldliness ness in the church is witchcraft. This witchcraft is… Continue reading Witchcraft (Sorcery) in the Church
Charmers in the Church
In the Old Testament, there were many people who practiced the occult. This includes the practice of ‘charming’. But, what exactly is a ‘charmer’ and how does this differ from an ‘enchanter’? . There are warnings in the Bible to avoid those who are ‘charmers’. But, how do these ‘charmers’ function in today’s false Christian… Continue reading Charmers in the Church
Enchantments – How to Spot in the Church
In the Old Testament, there were many people who practiced the occult. One of these discussed in the Old Testament is enchantments. There are clear warnings in the Bible to avoid those who were enchanters. But, what is the relevance of enchantments for the church today? When we understand what enchantments really are in the… Continue reading Enchantments – How to Spot in the Church
Observer of Times in the Bible
In the Old Testament, there were many people who practiced occult. One of these is an ‘Observer of Times’, which literally could be translated as ‘one who covers with cloud’. In the Bible we find that false teachers are referred to as clouds without water. An ‘Observer of Times’ in the Old Testament provided lying… Continue reading Observer of Times in the Bible
Magi – Wise Men – Spiritual Meaning
The Bible speaks of magicians in several places. They were present in ancient Egypt and Babylon. Magicians typically have a negative connotation in the Bible. But, magicians (a.k.a., Magi / wise men) were present just after the birth of Jesus Christ. The Magi who visited the infant Jesus have an important spiritual truth. They represent… Continue reading Magi – Wise Men – Spiritual Meaning
Magicians (Magi) Spiritual Meaning
The Bible speaks of magicians in several places. They were present in ancient Egypt and Babylon. In the New Testament, magicians were also evident (Simon, the magician, the Magi who visited Jesus after His birth). A careful study of the Bible reveals that magicians typify unsaved, prideful, unrighteous leaders who perform amazing acts by secret… Continue reading Magicians (Magi) Spiritual Meaning