The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Tree) is very important. It reveals an important spiritual truth about the faith of Jesus Christ. The Grain of mustard seed points to the faith of Jesus Christ. The Grain dies which produces abundant life. The greatest of trees points to the powerful work of the faith of Christ… Continue reading Parable of the Mustard Seed (Tree)
Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
The Parable of the Wheat and Tares is very important. It reveals an important spiritual truth about the Christian life. The Wheat represents Christians. The Tares represent people who look like they are Christian, but they do not produce any fruit. Therefore, they are not Christians at all. This parable has many important spiritual truths… Continue reading Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Sower and the Seed Parable
The Parable of the Sower and the Seed is a very important passage in the Bible. This is one of the very few parables that Jesus also provided the explanation. The parable is about a sower who plants seed in four different types of soils: the pathway, the rocky soil, the thorny soil and the… Continue reading Sower and the Seed Parable
Purpose of Parables
There were many parables spoken by Jesus Christ. A parable is an earthly story with a spiritual meaning. ‘Parable’ literally means something that is ‘thrown alongside’. But, why did Jesus speak in parables? The Bible teaches us that Jesus spoke in parables so that Christians would have a fuller meaning of the Word of God.… Continue reading Purpose of Parables
King Manasseh and the Road to Babylon
King Manasseh of Judah behaved very wickedly. He advocated and performed many occult practices. In fact, his wickedness exceed that of the neighboring heathen nations. He caused Judah to sin through worshipping Baal in the high places, serving the ‘groves’, witchcraft, worshipping the stars of heaven, etc. Because of these horrible sins, he caused Judah… Continue reading King Manasseh and the Road to Babylon
Dreams and Visions – Does God Speak through Dreams
The Bible warns people that the Bible is the complete Word of God. However, there are many people in the church today that believes that God speaks directly to them in dreams and visions. The Bible teaches that nothing should be added or taken away from the Word of God. Dreams and Visions occurred prior… Continue reading Dreams and Visions – Does God Speak through Dreams
Wizards in the Church
The Bible warns people not to follow and trust wizards. In the Bible, a wizard is literally, a ‘Knowing one’ . In other words, it is someone that is filled with knowledge and desire that people trust their knowledge. The only true and valuable knowledge is that which is found in the Bible. However, in… Continue reading Wizards in the Church
Seeking the Dead – Necromancy
The Bible warns people not to seek the dead. Seeking the dead is necromancy. Rather, people should seek the Living God. But, many people believe that their dead loved ones are still in contact with them in a spiritual senses. It is important to understand people who seek the dead among the living is a… Continue reading Seeking the Dead – Necromancy
Witch of Endor – Spiritual Meaning
Was the Witch of Endor really a Witch? No, she was a ‘medium’ of a familiar spirit. In the Bible, there is several references to familiar spirits. But, exactly what are familiar spirits? When the Bible is examined, it can be understood that they are demons. Demons promote idolatry and false teaching. This occurs not… Continue reading Witch of Endor – Spiritual Meaning
Familiar Spirits in the Church
In the Bible, there is several references to familiar spirits. But, exact; what are familiar spirits? When the Bible is examined, it can be understood that they are demons. Demons promote idolatry and false teaching. This occurs not only in the world, but also within the church. For example, we find that the ‘Witch’ of… Continue reading Familiar Spirits in the Church