In Luke 5:39, Jesus Christ taught a parable about the desire for old wine and not new wine. In the physical realm, it is said that old wine is better tasting than new wine. But, that is not the spiritual meaning that Jesus Christ was teaching in Luke 5:39. In fact, old wine has an… Continue reading Desire for Old Wine – Parable Meaning
New Wine in Old Bottles (Parable)
Jesus Christ taught a parable about new wine being put into old bottles. If this occurs, the bottles break. But, new wine must be put into new bottles. The parable goes on to say that both the new wine and the new bottles are preserved. This parable has important spiritual meanings about salvation. It is… Continue reading New Wine in Old Bottles (Parable)
Old Cloth put on New Garment – Tear is Made Worse (Parable)
The Parable of a piece of new cloth being put on a old garment has a very important spiritual meaning. Also, when this new cloth is place on the old garment, the tear is made even worse. This is a true earthly story, but it has a heavenly spiritual meaning. This video explores the spiritual… Continue reading Old Cloth put on New Garment – Tear is Made Worse (Parable)
Blind Lead the Blind – Both Fall into a Ditch (Church)
The Parable of the Blind leading the Blind is often misunderstood by both the ‘Christian’ church and culture. They often simply teach that if people who are ignorant lead other ignorant people, they both can end up in trouble. But, when the context of Mat 15 and Luke 6 are studied, it is clear that… Continue reading Blind Lead the Blind – Both Fall into a Ditch (Church)
Guardian Angels – God’s Messengers to His Chosen People
God’s angels are messengers. God’s angels are ministering spirits to serve those who shall inherit eternal life. The ‘guardian angels’ carry out God’s will in the earth and ensure God’s chosen people will carry out the overall sovereign will of God. Guardian angels are an important ingredient for understanding how God’s sovereign purpose is accomplished.… Continue reading Guardian Angels – God’s Messengers to His Chosen People
Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant teaches a very important spiritual truth. This parable teaches us that a characteristic of a Christian is that they will always forgive. Unforgiveness is not consistent with being a Christian. in fact, only wicked servants in the church are not able to truly forgive others. This study analyzes the… Continue reading Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
Parable of the Lost Sheep (Election)
The Parable of the Lost Sheep has an important spiritual meaning. Most people recognize that this parable involves salvation. However, this parable represents the salvation of God’s sheep. In the Bible, sheep are a symbolic reference to God’s chosen (elect) people. God’s elect are those who have predestinated from the foundation of the world. Click… Continue reading Parable of the Lost Sheep (Election)
Treasures – New and Old Spiritual Meaning
The Parable of Things New and Old provides important spiritual truth about the Bible. This parable disuses a scribe that is as a householder who brings out of His treasures both things new and old. But, what is the householder’s treasure? And, what are those things that are new and old? This video explores these… Continue reading Treasures – New and Old Spiritual Meaning
Galilee of the Gentiles – Spiritual Meaning
Jesus Christ was often called Jesus of Galilee. Also, Galilee is sometimes called ‘Galilee of the Gentiles’. This video explores the spiritual meaning of Galilee and why Jesus is called a Galilean. Also, A large part of Jesus’ earthly ministry was done in Galilee. This video explores that galilee was a place of Gentiles who… Continue reading Galilee of the Gentiles – Spiritual Meaning
Jesus of ‘Nazareth’ – Spiritual Significance of Nazareth
The Bible often reminds us that Jesus was from Nazareth. He was not born there, but He grew up there. Nazareth is not discussed in the Old Testament. But, in the New Testament, it was a town that nothing good came from. Nazareth was also in Galilee of the Gentiles. However, Nazareth has a very… Continue reading Jesus of ‘Nazareth’ – Spiritual Significance of Nazareth