Jesus Christ spoke the Olivet discourse during the ‘passion’ week. This Discourse is the most comprehensive discussion of the End Times in the Gospels. In particular, the Olivet Discourse provides much prophetic information regarding the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. The Discourse is also a parallel passage to the Old Testament Babylonian Captivity (which… Continue reading Olivet Discourse Overview
Parable of the Two Sons – The Saved and Unsaved in the Church
The Parable of the Two Sons reveals important spiritual information. The 2 sons represent the saved and unsaved people in the church today. The first son initially tells his father that he will not work in the vineyard. However, he later repents and goes to work. This first son represents those who were not interested… Continue reading Parable of the Two Sons – The Saved and Unsaved in the Church
Workers in the Vineyard – Parable
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard points to salvation. Christians are as workers who expect the reward of eternal life. But, why do all the workers receive the same reward? Many erroneously teach that there are different eternal rewards for Christians. This is a false Gospel. It defies the grace of God. Also,… Continue reading Workers in the Vineyard – Parable
Thief that Comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy – in Churches Today
The Parable of the Shepherd and the Sheep in John is a well known parable. Part of this parable discusses the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Many people believe that this ‘only’ refers to the devil (Satan). But, that’s not true. These thieves are in the churches today and are people who… Continue reading Thief that Comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy – in Churches Today
The Shepherd and the Sheep – Spiritual Meaning
The Parable of the Shepherd and the Sheep in John is a well known parable. But, there are spiritual meanings in this parable that are often not understood. For example, what is the spiritual meaning of the ‘door’ in this parable? Also, why is the voice of the shepherd already known? Why does the shepherd… Continue reading The Shepherd and the Sheep – Spiritual Meaning
Is your House (Church) Built on Rock or Sand?
The parable of the house built on a rock or sand is directed to the church. This parable addresses church builders that are either wise or foolish. The real spiritual meaning of this parable is often not understood. There are many symbols in this parable that need to be understood. For example, what does building… Continue reading Is your House (Church) Built on Rock or Sand?
Desire for Old Wine – Parable Meaning
In Luke 5:39, Jesus Christ taught a parable about the desire for old wine and not new wine. In the physical realm, it is said that old wine is better tasting than new wine. But, that is not the spiritual meaning that Jesus Christ was teaching in Luke 5:39. In fact, old wine has an… Continue reading Desire for Old Wine – Parable Meaning
New Wine in Old Bottles (Parable)
Jesus Christ taught a parable about new wine being put into old bottles. If this occurs, the bottles break. But, new wine must be put into new bottles. The parable goes on to say that both the new wine and the new bottles are preserved. This parable has important spiritual meanings about salvation. It is… Continue reading New Wine in Old Bottles (Parable)
Old Cloth put on New Garment – Tear is Made Worse (Parable)
The Parable of a piece of new cloth being put on a old garment has a very important spiritual meaning. Also, when this new cloth is place on the old garment, the tear is made even worse. This is a true earthly story, but it has a heavenly spiritual meaning. This video explores the spiritual… Continue reading Old Cloth put on New Garment – Tear is Made Worse (Parable)
Blind Lead the Blind – Both Fall into a Ditch (Church)
The Parable of the Blind leading the Blind is often misunderstood by both the ‘Christian’ church and culture. They often simply teach that if people who are ignorant lead other ignorant people, they both can end up in trouble. But, when the context of Mat 15 and Luke 6 are studied, it is clear that… Continue reading Blind Lead the Blind – Both Fall into a Ditch (Church)