The number 7 is used extensively in the Bible in a symbolic manner. This not only includes many, many references in the Book of Revelation, but all through the Bible. For example, when Jesus was asked by a man how many times he should forgive another, Jesus responded that he should forgive 70 times 7… Continue reading What is real the symbolic meaning of 7?
Comparison of the 7 Churches of Revelation
The Book of Revelation was addressed to the 7 churches of Asia Minor in the 1st century A.D. But, in reality it is a book sent by Jesus Christ to the 7 churches, which represent the churches of all time. Therefore, these messages are relevant to all churches today. This study compares the good and… Continue reading Comparison of the 7 Churches of Revelation
Is the Book of a Revelation Really a Mystery?
Rev 1:20 teaches that the 7 stars in the right hand of Jesus Christ and the 7 candlesticks are mysteries. We also find throughout the Bible that it refers to itself as a parable, dark saying, riddle, etc. However, the Book of Revelation by definition of the word revelation (apocalypse) literally means to take the… Continue reading Is the Book of a Revelation Really a Mystery?
The Description of the Glorified Jesus Christ in Rev 1:14-16
In Revelation 1:14-16, there is an important description of Jesus Christ in His glorified state as God. In 2 Cor 5:16, the Bible teaches us that although Jesus came as a baby and became a full grown man, we know him in this way no more! Rather, we should know Him as the Almighty God… Continue reading The Description of the Glorified Jesus Christ in Rev 1:14-16
Why is Christ in the Midst of the 7 Golden Candlesticks ? – Rev 1:12-13
The Book of Revelation is a beautiful portrait that God has given us. One of the beautiful portraits is Jesus Christ being in the midst (middle) of 7 golden candlesticks. To lean more, please click below to view a You Tube video on this topic of visit the Revelation Studies tab on this website.
The Spiritual Significance of the Island of Patmos
John, the apostle, wrote the book of Revelation on the Island of Patmos (just off west coast of present-day Turkey). But, what is the spiritual significance of an island in the Bible. Please consider viewing this video to learn more …
Revelation You Tube Video Series
The Book of Revelation is a very comprehensive message to Christians regarding the events surrounding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Second Coming). Notably, the book of Revelation includes seven repeating views of the church age (a.k.a., the millennium), the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Please consider following this video series by subscribing… Continue reading Revelation You Tube Video Series
The Return from Babylonian Captivity
Historically, a return from Babylonian captivity and a regathering from the scattering began to occur in 536 B.C.. However, this return and regathering is a beautiful Biblical portrait of salvation now and in eternity. A Christian’s salvation includes the salvation of the spirit that occurs now on earth, but also a final salvation of the… Continue reading The Return from Babylonian Captivity
The Desolate Land Enjoys its Sabbaths
After the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem, the desolate land of Jerusalem and Judah enjoyed her Sabbaths. The literal meaning of the word ‘enjoyed’ is ‘to be pleased with’. While the land was populated, the sabbaths were never kept. The Sabbaths that were ordained of God altogether point to the fulfillment of salvation. That is, the… Continue reading The Desolate Land Enjoys its Sabbaths
The Babylonian Destruction and its Symbolic Meaning
During the Babylonian captivity of Judah, Jerusalem was destroyed in that its walls were broken down and the houses (including the temple of God) was burned with fire. The destruction of Jerusalem is also described in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, pointing to the ruin of the Christian church during the Great Tribulation. … Continue reading The Babylonian Destruction and its Symbolic Meaning