Who are the 24 Elders of Revelation 4:4? In the Throne Room of Heaven in Revelation 4 and 5, we find that there are 24 thrones with 24 elders that are seated around the throne of God. Why 24? Why do they have white clothing and golden crowns. Please consider viewing the Your Video link… Continue reading Who are the 24 Elders in Heaven?
The Symbolic Meaning of 12 and 24
In the Bible, numbers often have a symbolic meaning. In the Book of Revelation many different number are used in a symbolic manner including the numbers 12 and 24. For example, in Revelation 4, we find that there are 24 elders that are around the throne of God. What does 24 mean? We also find… Continue reading The Symbolic Meaning of 12 and 24
Throne Room of Heaven in Revelation 4 and 5
The Throne Room of God in Revelation 4 and 5 provides many important insights concerning God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as well as cherubim, angels and God’s people represented by the 24 elders. Also, the mysterious sea of glass, and other objects such as crowns, thrones, harps and golden bowls are in the… Continue reading Throne Room of Heaven in Revelation 4 and 5
What Lukewarm Really Means
Laodicea was one the 7 churches of Asia discussed in the book of Revelation (Rev 3:14-22) . But, this was a bad church because they were ‘lukewarm’. What does it mean to be ‘lukewarm’? What does ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ symbolically refer to in the Bible? Please view the video by clicking the icon below or… Continue reading What Lukewarm Really Means
The Synagogue of Satan in Philadelphia?
Philadelphia was one of the 7 churches of Revelation 2 and 3. Philadelphia was a very good, faithful church with good works; yet they were persecuted by the false Jews of the Synagogue of Satan. What does Jesus Christ refer to when he discuses the synagogue of Satan? What is a false Jew discussed in… Continue reading The Synagogue of Satan in Philadelphia?
Can a Church Die? The Message to Sardis
The message to the church of Sardis in Revelation 3:1-6 is a grim message. The church of Sardis is almost dead. But there are still a few there that are saved and therefore, it remains a church. What does it mean when a church dies? How does a church die? What is a dying church?… Continue reading Can a Church Die? The Message to Sardis
What is the Doctrine of Jezebel in Thyatira?
Jezebel was a teacher in the church of Thyatira in the 1st century A.D. She taught those in the church to eat things offered to idols and to commit fornication. But, what is the spiritual meaning of all this? Also, there was discussion in Thyatira about the ‘depths of Satan’. What does this mean? Please… Continue reading What is the Doctrine of Jezebel in Thyatira?
Satan’s Throne in Pergamos
What is Satan’s Throne? This throne is mentioned in the Rev 2:12-17 message to the church of Pergamos. Pergamos (also known as Pergamum) is a church that symbolizes all churches that are threatened by worldliness. This is also called the doctrine of Balaam (and the Nicolaitans), which was the eating of things sacrificed to idols… Continue reading Satan’s Throne in Pergamos
Smyrna and the Synagogue of Satan
Smyrna is the second of the 7 churches of Revelation 2 and 3. Smyrna was a very good, faithful church, but they were persecuted by a synagogue of Satan. To learn more about where the synagogue of Satan is today, please view the video below or visit the Revelation 2 / 3 study page.
Ephesus – the Church that Left its First Love
The message from Jesus Christ to the church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7 is startling indeed. How could an obedient, Bible-believing church full of good works leave its First Love? Please click on the video link believe the hear this important address to Ephesus. Or, please visit the Revelation 2 and 3 study on this… Continue reading Ephesus – the Church that Left its First Love