In the Olivet Discourse, there is important information about Judgment Day. This includes the reference in Luke 21 involving the roaring of the seas and waves. Both the sea and the waves have important symbolic meanings of what Judgment day is like. The Olivet Discourse is a significant prophecy in the Gospels. This prophecy of… Continue reading Sea and Waves Roaring on Judgment Day (Last Day)
Judgment Day – Day of Distress, Perplexity, Fear and Mourning
In the Olivet Discourse, there is important information about Judgment day. Notably, it is called a day of distress, perplexity, fear and mourning. Each of these reactions to Judgment day has an important spiritual meaning. These reactions are by people who are not saved (i.e., not true Christians). The Olivet Discourse is a significant prophecy… Continue reading Judgment Day – Day of Distress, Perplexity, Fear and Mourning
Powers of the Heavens Shaken – Olivet Discourse
In the Olivet Discourse, the sign of Jesus Christ’s return involves heavenly signs. This includes that the ‘powers of the heavens will be shaken’. But, what exactly does this refer to? In context, this is closely related to the Last Day signs in the heavens involving the sun, the moon and the stars. The Olivet… Continue reading Powers of the Heavens Shaken – Olivet Discourse
Evil Farmers in the Vineyard (Church Leaders)
The Parable of the Evil Farmers in the Vineyard reveals important spiritual truth. The vineyard in the Old and New Testaments is a symbol for the church. The wicked, evil farmers were supposed to take care of the church, but they did not. Instead, they wanted the vineyard for their own inheritance. This spiritually points… Continue reading Evil Farmers in the Vineyard (Church Leaders)
Sign of the Return of Jesus Christ – Sun, Moon and Stars (Symbolic)
In the Olivet Discourse, the sign of Jesus Christ’s return involves heavenly signs. The sun will be darkened, the moon shall not give her light and the stars will fall from heaven. The Olivet Discourse is a significant prophecy in the Gospels (Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21). The Olivet Discourse focuses on the… Continue reading Sign of the Return of Jesus Christ – Sun, Moon and Stars (Symbolic)
The Sign of Christ’s Return – Olivet Discourse
The Olivet Discourse is a significant prophecy in the Gospels. This prophecy of Jesus is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. The Olivet Discourse is in response to two questions that… Continue reading The Sign of Christ’s Return – Olivet Discourse
When will the Jerusalem Temple be Destroyed
Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus when will the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple occur. This was in response to Jesus’ prophecy that there would not be one stone of the temple buildings left upon another. This is still not fulfilled to this day. Some believe that this occurred in A.D. 70. However that is not true… Continue reading When will the Jerusalem Temple be Destroyed
Not One Stone Left Upon Another – Jerusalem Temple
Concerning the Jerusalem temple buildings, Jesus Christ prophesied that there would not be one stone left upon another. This has not yet been fulfilled. This prophecy is part of Jesus’ Olivet Discourse found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.This prophecy is a symbolic (spiritual) reference to the scattering of the Christian church which… Continue reading Not One Stone Left Upon Another – Jerusalem Temple
Sabbath Day’s Journey – Spiritual Meaning
The Mount of Olives has important prophetic meaning. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven from this location. Also, according to Zechariah 14, He will also return to the Mount of Olives. In Acts 1:12, God tells us that the distance from Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives is a ‘Sabbath Day’s Journey’. Many literalize this statement… Continue reading Sabbath Day’s Journey – Spiritual Meaning
Mount of Olives in Prophecy
The Mount of Olives has important prophetic meaning. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven from this location. Also, according to Zechariah 14, He will also return to the Mount of Olives. This video explores important symbolic meaning of this mountain which is just east of Jerusalem. Also, Jesus Christ spoke the Olivet discourse the ‘passion’ week.… Continue reading Mount of Olives in Prophecy