
As the Prophet, Jesus Christ is the Word of God. By the Spirit of Christ, the prophets and apostles wrote the Bible. Jesus told us that His words are spirit and they are life. It is by the Bible that His people are saved and are made holy.

Read more about the power of Word of God and how to interpret it spiritually and correctly


As the Priest, Jesus Christ is our Intercessor with God the Father. It is by His sacrificial blood that we are saved and reconciled with God. Jesus is the only Mediator and the only way to salvation. He has done all the work necessary to save the Elect from damnation though His faithfulness.

Read more about salvation of the elect by the faith of Christ


As the King of Kings, Jesus Christ is sovereign, His divine power has given His people everything necessary for eternal life and godliness. Because He is King, His people will earnestly desire to obey and serve Him in righteousness.

Read more about the Christian's earnest desire for holiness

What is the Doctrine of Jezebel in Thyatira?

Jezebel was a teacher in the church of Thyatira in the 1st century A.D. She taught those in the church to eat things offered to idols and to commit fornication. But, what is the spiritual meaning of all this? Also, there was discussion in Thyatira about the ‘depths of Satan’. What does this mean? Please consider viewing a video concerning this at the below link or visit the Revelation 2 / 3 page on this website.

The Doctrine of Jezebel
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Satan’s Throne in Pergamos

What is Satan’s Throne? This throne is mentioned in the Rev 2:12-17 message to the church of Pergamos. Pergamos (also known as Pergamum) is a church that symbolizes all churches that are threatened by worldliness. This is also called the doctrine of Balaam (and the Nicolaitans), which was the eating of things sacrificed to idols and committing fornication (whether physical or spiritual). Please view the You Tube video below or for a more detailed study, please view the Revelation 2 / 3 study on this website.

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What is real the symbolic meaning of 7?

The number 7 is used extensively in the Bible in a symbolic manner. This not only includes many, many references in the Book of Revelation, but all through the Bible. For example, when Jesus was asked by a man how many times he should forgive another, Jesus responded that he should forgive 70 times 7 times. To learn more about the number 7, please view the below video or click on the page that discusses the Symbolic meaning of the number 7.

Symbolic meaning of 7
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Comparison of the 7 Churches of Revelation

The Book of Revelation was addressed to the 7 churches of Asia Minor in the 1st century A.D. But, in reality it is a book sent by Jesus Christ to the 7 churches, which represent the churches of all time. Therefore, these messages are relevant to all churches today. This study compares the good and the bad of these 7 churches and is extremely valuable to the Christian today. Two of the churches are all good, three are a mixture of good and bad and two are mostly bad. Please click the video link below or visit the the Revelation 2/3 page for more information.

7 Churches of Revelation
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Is the Book of a Revelation Really a Mystery?

Rev 1:20 teaches that the 7 stars in the right hand of Jesus Christ and the 7 candlesticks are mysteries. We also find throughout the Bible that it refers to itself as a parable, dark saying, riddle, etc. However, the Book of Revelation by definition of the word revelation (apocalypse) literally means to take the cover off. So, how are we to understand mysterious things we find in the Bible including the rich symbolism of the Book of Revelation? Please consider these important questions in the below video, or review the study on Rev 1:17-20 at this link.

The Mystery of Revelation

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The Description of the Glorified Jesus Christ in Rev 1:14-16

In Revelation 1:14-16, there is an important description of Jesus Christ in His glorified state as God. In 2 Cor 5:16, the Bible teaches us that although Jesus came as a baby and became a full grown man, we know him in this way no more! Rather, we should know Him as the Almighty God in His glorified state. Please consider viewing the below video for a study on why His head and hair is white as snow, His eyes as a burning flame, His feet are as burnished brass, He has a sword coming out of His mouth and His voice is as many waters …

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