The second horsemen in Revelation 6 rides on a red horse. This horseman’s intent is to take peace from the earth with a great sword so that people would kill one another. It is important to understand the symbolism of this ominous figure in Revelation. Please consider watching the below video or visit the Revelation… Continue reading The Red Horseman of Revelation
The Rider on the White Horse of Revelation
The 1st of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse if the Rider on the White Horse. It is very important to understand the meaning of this symbol in prophecy. Many believe this symbolizes the ‘antichrist’, but that is not true. So, who does this Rider represent? Please consider viewing the video link below or visiting… Continue reading The Rider on the White Horse of Revelation
Four Horsemen of Revelation
The first 4 seals of the book of Revelation are the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation). It is very important to understand the symbolic meaning of these entities in order to understand prophecy. Please consider viewing the below video for an introduction or visit the Revelation 6 / 7 page for more details on… Continue reading Four Horsemen of Revelation
Root of David Prevails
In Revelation 5, the Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ is the Root of David. As the root of King David, Jesus has prevailed to open the scroll (Book) of Revelation. What how did He do this. It was at the cross that Jesus prevailed over Satan. Please view the video below to explore more… Continue reading Root of David Prevails
Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God
Why is Jesus referred to as both the Lion of the tribe of Judah and also as the Lamb of God? These are important descriptions for understanding Biblical truths about God’s judgment and salvation. Please consider viewing the video at the link below or visit the Revelation 4 / 5 study page on this website.
The Scroll with 7 Seals – its Spiritual Significance
In Revelation, we find a scroll with 7 seals. This scroll contains the prophecy of the Book of Revelation found in Revelation 6-20. But, what is the significance of the scroll, its 7 seals and the fact that only the Lamb of God is worthy to open the scroll? Please consider watching the below video… Continue reading The Scroll with 7 Seals – its Spiritual Significance
What are the 4 Beasts of Revelation?
What are the 4 beasts of Revelation 4 and 5? What purpose do they serve? What do they do? Are they the same as the Cherubim of Ezekiel? To find out the beautiful truth of these 4 beasts, please consider viewing the video at the link below or clicking here to go to the study… Continue reading What are the 4 Beasts of Revelation?
What does Number 4 Symbolize in the Bible?
The number 4 is often used in a symbolic meaning in the Bible. Very notably, the number 4 is used many times in Revelation such as the 4 angels, 4 horsemen, 4 winds, etc. To understand these spiritual portraits in the book of Revelation, it is important to understand the symbolic meaning of the number… Continue reading What does Number 4 Symbolize in the Bible?
Sea of Glass like Crystal – What is it?
In Revelation 4:6, we find the sea of glass before the throne of God. But, why would such an image be before the throne? What would it be like crystal? This sea of glass provides some very beautiful spiritual truths about salvation and the work of Jesus Christ. Please consider viewing the video link below… Continue reading Sea of Glass like Crystal – What is it?
What are the 7 Lamps of Fire Before the Throne?
Revelation 4:5 states that there are 7 Lamps of Fire before the throne of God. It also says that these are the 7 spirits of God. But, are there really 7 spirits of God? Is not the Holy Spirit the third person of the trinity? Please consider viewing the below video link to investigate what… Continue reading What are the 7 Lamps of Fire Before the Throne?