In Revelation 7:1-8, the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are missing from the list of the tribes of Israel. Why is this? This has a profound spiritual importance for God’s people. Please consider viewing a You Tube video at the below link or consider reviewing the Revelation 6 / 7 study notes on this website.
Angel from the East – Sealing of the 144,000
What is the meaning of the angel that rises from the East? This angel has many symbolic features that point to truths about the Lord Jesus Christ and Salvation. Please consider viewing a You Tube video on this topic at the link below or visit the Revelation 6 / 7 study notes on this website.
144000: Who They Really Are
The 144,000 in Revelation represent an important group of individuals. But, it may not be those literal, future, super group of Israelites that evangelize the world after the rapture. That is false prophecy. Please carefully consider the below video to understand the Bible-based meaning of the 144,000 or review the Revelation 6 / 7 study… Continue reading 144000: Who They Really Are
6th Seal of Revelation: People Hide in Fear
The linked video below is Part 37 of the Revelation Series. Parts 35 and 36 explored the heavenly and earthly signs involved with the 6th Seal of Revelation. In this part, the desire for people to hide in caves and rocks of the mountains in a vain attempt to hide themselves from God’s wrath is… Continue reading 6th Seal of Revelation: People Hide in Fear
6th Seal of Revelation: Earthly Signs
What do those earthly signs symbolically mean? The 6th seal of Revelation points to the Last Day (Judgment and Reward). We find a great earthquake occurs and the every mountains and islands are moved out of their place. These all have very important symbolic meanings. Please consider viewing the below video or visit the notes… Continue reading 6th Seal of Revelation: Earthly Signs
The 6th Seal of Revelation – Heavenly Signs
The sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair; the moon becomes as blood; the stars fall to the earth; the heavens are rolled up as a scroll. What do these heavenly signs mean? Please consider viewing the below linked video on this subject by clicking the link below or visit the the Revelation 6 /… Continue reading The 6th Seal of Revelation – Heavenly Signs
Who are the Souls under the Altar?
The fifth seal of Revelation reveals the souls of those under the altar. But, who are these people? Very importantly, what is the ‘little season’ of which they are to patiently wait to end? Please consider viewing the video at the link below or refer to the Revelation 6 / 7 study on this website.
Sword, Famine, Death and Beasts
Death rides the 4th (pale) horse of Revelation 6. This rider and his accomplice ‘Hades’ bring the sword, famine, death and beasts of the earth during the little season near the end of the world called the Great Tribulation. Please consider viewing the video link below that explores the spiritual meaning of these occurrences or… Continue reading Sword, Famine, Death and Beasts
The Pale Horse of Revelation
The 4th Horse of Revelation 6 is the Pale Horse. Its rider is Death and Hades follows. It is important to recognize that this horse is a portrait of what happens during the Great Tribulation: sword, famine, death and beasts. Please consider viewing this video at the link below or visit the web page for… Continue reading The Pale Horse of Revelation
Black Horse of Revelation
What does the rider on the Black Horse in Revelation 6 represent? There is an important spiritual truth concerning the church age and the Bible. Although the Bible is widespread, there is indeed a famine for the truth of the Bible. Please consider viewing the You Tube video link below or consider viewing the Revelation… Continue reading Black Horse of Revelation