The Third Trumpet of Revelation involves a star named Wormwood. This star falls upon 1/3 of the fresh water (rivers and fountains of water). This causes the waters to become bitter. Also, many men die because of these bitter waters. There are important spiritual truths contained in the third trumpet of Revelation involving the poisoning… Continue reading Third Trumpet – The Star Wormwood
Second Trumpet
The Second Trumpet of Revelation describes a great mountain burning with fire that is cast into the sea. As a result, one-third (1/3) of the sea becomes as blood, 1/3 of sea creatures die and 1/3 of ships are destroyed. This video explores the symbolic meaning of this second trumpet of Revelation. Please click on… Continue reading Second Trumpet
First Trumpet of Revelation
The first trumpet of revelation involves hail and fire mixed with blood sent to the earth. As a result, one-third (1/3) of the trees are burned up. This first trumpet has important a symbolic meaning for the Christian. This trumpet specifically applies for the Christian’s life during the church age. Please consider the You Tube… Continue reading First Trumpet of Revelation
One-third (1/3) and the 7 Trumpets
The number one-third (1/3) is used symbolically in the book of Revelation. This number is prominently featured in Trumpets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, . In order to fully understand the meaning of the 7 trumpets of Revelation, it is important to understand the symbolic meaning of 1/3,. Please consider watching the a video… Continue reading One-third (1/3) and the 7 Trumpets
7 Trumpets of Revelation
7 trumpets: The below video provides an overview of the meaning of the 7 trumpets of Revelation. The first 4 trumpets symbolically reveal things that happens to Christians during the Church Age. Trumpets 5 and 6 point to events of the Great Tribulation while the 7th trumpet points to the Last Day (rewards and judgment).… Continue reading 7 Trumpets of Revelation
Golden Altar of Incense in Heaven
Just after the opening of the 7th seal of Revelation, there is silence in heaven. A vision of the golden altar of incense follows this silence. The prayers of the saints are mixed with the incense of the altar. Also, there is a censer of fire that is cast to the earth. This results in… Continue reading Golden Altar of Incense in Heaven
Silence in Heaven
The 7th seal of the Revelation is opened and surprisingly, we find silence in heaven. What does this silence signify? This silence occurs for 1/2 hour just prior to the offering of prayers on the golden altar and the sending of fire upon the earth (Rev 8:1-5). This is followed by the first 6 of… Continue reading Silence in Heaven
The Great Multitude in Eternity
In Revelation 7:9-17, we find a description of the Great Multitude of people who have come out of the Great Tribulation. But, in verses 15-17, we find beautiful insights into what eternity for all of God’s people will be like. This eternity is a place of no tears, no sorrow, no scorching sun and no… Continue reading The Great Multitude in Eternity
Revelation Angels: 7 Praises
The Book of Revelation features angels in a significant way. For example, angels are repeatedly used to send messages. Also, they blow trumpets and praise God. In Revelation 7:9-17 (which concerns the Great Multitude from the Great Tribulation), the angels around the throne praise God in 7 ways. This is a very important message for… Continue reading Revelation Angels: 7 Praises
Great Multitude in Revelation 7
Who is that Great Multitude who have come out of the Great Tribulation in Revelation 7. They have white robes and palm branches in their hands. Please consider clicking the icon below to view a You Tube video on this topic or consider reviewing the Revelation 6 / 7 study notes on this website.