The sixth trumpet of the Book of Revelation provides an important glimpse into the period of time known as the Great Tribulation. For example, the army at the Euphrates River (Babylon, the False Christian Church) is depicted as riders on horses. In addition, there are many symbols associated with this army including fire, brimstone, horses’… Continue reading Euphrates Army in Revelation – its Symbolic Meaning
200 Million Army at the Euphrates?
In Rev 9:16, the Bible tells us that the 4 angels at the Euphrates will be loosed. As a result, a 200 million (200,000,000) person army proceeds to kill the 1/3 part of humankind. This is a main feature of the 6th seal of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is highly symbolic. Therefore, it is… Continue reading 200 Million Army at the Euphrates?
Euphrates River in Prophecy
In the 6th trumpet of Revelation, four angels are loosed from the Euphrates. As a result, an army of 200,000,000 marches forward to kill the 1/3 part. But, what does the Euphrates River symbolize? And, what about the 1/3 part – what does that mean? Please consider viewing the You Tube video at the below… Continue reading Euphrates River in Prophecy
Abaddon Apollyon: Who is it?
In Rev 9:11, the Bible states that the king of the Locusts is Abaddon / Apollyon. Abaddon / Apollyon is the Hebrew and Greek name for the destroyer. But, who does this represent? Also, this king is also called the angel of the Bottomless Pit. Please consider viewing the You Tube video at the link… Continue reading Abaddon Apollyon: Who is it?
Evil Eye – What it Really is
Many cultures throughout the world believe in what is called an ‘Evil Eye’. According to this belief, one can cause harm to another person by simply glaring at them. To counteract this, there are many type of charms and amulets that people use to ward off its harm. These charms come in the form of… Continue reading Evil Eye – What it Really is
Locust Description in Revelation
Locust description: In Rev 9:7-10, there is a description of the locusts which are released from the bottomless pit. The locusts are described as horses for battle. Additionally, they have faces of men, hair as women, breastplates of iron, teeth of lions and tails as scorpions. But, what do these descriptions symbolize? Please consider viewing… Continue reading Locust Description in Revelation
Scorpion Sting – What it Means
Scorpion sting: A horde of locusts are loosed from the bottomless pit in the 5th trumpet of Revelation (Rev 9:5-6) . Also, these locusts have tails as scorpions. As a result, these scorpions have a sting which torment people on earth that do not have the seal of God. Consequentially, important spiritual truth is contained… Continue reading Scorpion Sting – What it Means
Locusts of the 6th Trumpet
In the 6th trumpet of Revelation, locusts are loosed out of the bottomless pit. This is an important portrait of what happens during the Great Tribulation. These locusts are loosed to attack those people who do not have the seal of God. Therefore, this is an attack on unsaved humanity. Please consider viewing the below… Continue reading Locusts of the 6th Trumpet
Bottomless Pit – What it is?
The fifth trumpet of the Book of Revelation features the bottomless pit. As a result of this open pit, smoke is spewed into the air darkening the sun and the air. This trumpet symbolizes events that occur during the Great Tribulation. The video examines the meaning of these things that happen. Please consider viewing this… Continue reading Bottomless Pit – What it is?
Fourth Trumpet of Revelation
The fourth trumpet of Revelation announces that the third part of the sun, moon and stars will be darkened. This results in a one-third (1/3) loss of daylight and a 1/3 loss of the nightlight. These symbols represent activities that occur in the church age involving the veiling (perversion) of the truth of God’s word.… Continue reading Fourth Trumpet of Revelation