Beast Image: In Rev 13:14-15, the Bible teaches us that the False Prophet (a.k.a., the beast with 2 horns like a lamb) will make an image of the beast. In addition, the false prophet will give ‘life’ to the image so it should speak. Finally, all must worship this image or be killed. But, what… Continue reading Beast Image – What is it?
False Prophet Signs Wonders
In Revelation 13:13-14, the Bible teaches that the false prophet will come with signs and wonders. Also, these signs and wonders result in fire from heaven. But, what are these signs and wonders? Why is there fire from heaven? Is this fire from heaven literal? Please click on the video link below the icon below… Continue reading False Prophet Signs Wonders
False Prophet Teaching
False Prophet Teaching: In Revelation 13, a second beast appears. This beast (also called the False Prophet) has 2 horns like a lamb, but has the mouth of a lion. Also, this beast promotes the antichrist’s agenda. And, this agenda is to promote and worship the kingdom of Satan. But, what is the teaching of… Continue reading False Prophet Teaching
False Prophet Revelation
In Revelation 13, two different beasts are presented. The first beast is the leopard beast, which is the antichrist. But, who is that second beast? Why does this second beast appear with 2 horns as a lamb but speaks as a lion? Also, this second beast is called the ‘false prophet’ elsewhere in Revelation. Please… Continue reading False Prophet Revelation
Christian Captivity – What it is
Christian Captivity: In Revelation 13, the Bible teaches us that those who take others into captivity will themselves enter into captivity. Also, those who kill with the sword will also be killed with the sword. These statements are made in context with the antichrist (Beast of Revelation 13). Therefore, this is an important statement that… Continue reading Christian Captivity – What it is
Beast War on the Saints
Beast War: In Revelation 13, the beast (antichrist) wars with the saints. That is, the beast attacks the people of God (Christians) by using his evil spiritual weapons. And, according to the Bible, the beast overcomes the saints (God’s people). But, what is this war like? Also, what are the beast’s weapons that he uses… Continue reading Beast War on the Saints
Beast Blasphemy
Beast Blasphemy: In Revelation 13, the Beast (Antichrist) speaks great things. Moreover, the beast speaks blasphemies. These blasphemies are against God’s name, His tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven. But, what are these blasphemies? And, what is the significance of these things. Please click on the You Tube video below to lean more about… Continue reading Beast Blasphemy
Beast Worship – What it is
Beast Worship: In Revelation 13, the Bible teaches that the Beast will be worshiped. But, what exactly does it mean to worship the beast? The beast will be worshiped by people who are in the world as well as the false Christian church. Also, many people will be amazed and wonder about the beast. Please… Continue reading Beast Worship – What it is
Deadly Wound of the Beast
Deadly wound of the Beast: The Beast of Revelation 13 has a deadly, mortal wound. But, that wound is healed. But, what does the wound mean? Why is only one of the 7 heads wounded and later healed? And, how does this relate to Bible prophecy. The Beast of Revelation refers to the antichrist, who… Continue reading Deadly Wound of the Beast
Leopard Bear Lion – Beast
Leopard Bear Lion: In Revelation 13, the Beast has three animal characteristics. First the beast itself is like a leopard. Second, the beast has the feet of a bear. And finally, the beast has a mouth of a lion. These symbols are important portraits of the end-time antichrist (a.k.a.,. Beast, little horn, man of sin,… Continue reading Leopard Bear Lion – Beast