Beast worshipers: In Rev 14:9-11, the Bible teaches us that those who worship the beast, its image or receive his mark in their forehead or hand will be subject to God’s wrath. But, who are those who worship the beast? And, what does it mean to worship the Beast? Additionally, why is this message brought… Continue reading Beast Worshipers and Wrath
Babylon Fallen
Babylon fallen: In Revelation 14:8, God teaches us that Judgment on Babylon will occur on the Last day. The second angel of judgment in Revelation 14 announces this judgment on Babylon. But, what is the significance of this judgment for Christians? And, what is the symbolic meaning of Babylon? Please click on the link below… Continue reading Babylon Fallen
Everlasting Gospel – What it is
In Revelation 14, there are 3 angels who bring messages of Judgment. Also, in Rev 14:6-7, the 1st angel brings the everlasting Gospel, which includes Judgment day. But, what is the meaning of these 3 angels and why would the Gospel include Judgment Day? Why are there 3 angels which bring a message of Judgment… Continue reading Everlasting Gospel – What it is
144000 Virgins – Who are they?
144000 Virgins: In Rev 14:4-5, the Bible teaches us that the 144,000 who stand with the Lamb on mt. Zion are virgins. That is, they are not defiled with women, Also, they follow the Lamb wherever the Lamb goes. Additionally, they are redeemed from among men to be the first-fruits unto God. Finally, they are… Continue reading 144000 Virgins – Who are they?
New Song of the 144,000
In Revelation 14:2-3, The Bible teaches us that the 144,000 who are redeemed from the earth sing a new song. Also, these 144,000 redeemed people are with the Lamb on mt. Zion. But, who are these 144,000 people? And, what exactly is the new song that they sing? Please click on the link below to… Continue reading New Song of the 144,000
Mount Zion in Prophecy
In Revelation 14:1, The Bible provides us a beautiful portrait of Mount Zion. Additionally, the Lamb and the 144,000 are gathered together on Mount Zion. The 144,000 have the Father’s name written on their foreheads. But, what does this beautiful portrait teach us? Please view a You Tube video on this topic at the link… Continue reading Mount Zion in Prophecy
666 – What it Means
What does the number of the beast (666) symbolically mean? This video explores the Bible meaning of this number. Also, this video examines whether it is appropriate to ‘calculate’ the name of the Beast using ‘Gematria’. Gematria is the use of numerical values for individual letters in a name using Greek, Hebrew or Latin. Then,… Continue reading 666 – What it Means
Beast Name – What is it?
In Revelation 13:16, the Bible teaches that no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark, name or number of the beast. But, what exactly does this mean? In particular, what does it mean to have the name of the beast? And, can we know precisely what that name is? Please click the… Continue reading Beast Name – What is it?
Mark Beast – Mark of the Beast
Mark Beast: In Revelation 13:16-17, the Bible teaches that those who are unsaved will receive the mark of the beast. That is, this mark will be placed on one’s forehead or right hand. Of course, this is symbolic as much of prophecy is. Also, the false prophet will cause the unsaved to receive this mark.… Continue reading Mark Beast – Mark of the Beast
Buy Sell – Rev 13
In Revelation 13, the Bible teaches that no one could buy or sell unless they had the mark of the beast, the name of the beast or the number of his name. But, what does this spiritually mean? What does this mean? Additionally, this restriction on buying and selling occurs during the Great Tribulation. Moreover,… Continue reading Buy Sell – Rev 13