70 Weeks Prophecy of Dan 9

In Dan 9:24-27, the Bible teaches that there will be 70 Weeks that describe the history of the world. This time covers the time from rebuilding Jerusalem up to the Last Day. But, what does this mean in prophecy? When did the rebuilding of Jerusalem begin? Also, this prophecy addresses the first and second coming… Continue reading 70 Weeks Prophecy of Dan 9

Little Horn of Daniel 8

The Little Horn of Daniel 8 is a symbol for the Antichrist. Additionally, the Antichrist inaugurates the Great Tribulation (2 Th 2:3-4). At this time, the ‘Abomination of Desolation is set up. The Little Horn of Dan 8 is rooted in the Grecian kingdom.  But, the Greco-Roman culture (politics, law, wisdom, etc.) exists to this… Continue reading Little Horn of Daniel 8

Sabbath Day Healing

Sabbath Day Healing – Why did Jesus often heal people on the Sabbath Day? What is the spiritual meaning of healing? One of the 10 commandments in the Bible is to keep the seventh day as a Sabbath rest. That is, this commandment teaches that there is no work that is to be done on… Continue reading Sabbath Day Healing

Sabbath Day Daily Activities

The Bible teaches that the fulfillment of the 7th day Sabbath is the Day of Salvation. Every true Christian enters into this Sabbath rest. By entering the Sabbath Day of rest, Christians walk daily with Jesus Christ. But, what are these daily activities? The Bible teaches that the daily activities include prayer, Bible study and… Continue reading Sabbath Day Daily Activities

Great Image of Daniel 2

In Daniel 2, the Daniel interprets a dream of the King of Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar). This dream is about a Great Image. Also, the image has a gold head, breast and arms of silver, belly and thigs of brass and legs of iron and feet or iron mixed with clay. But, what do these symbols mean?… Continue reading Great Image of Daniel 2