Simon the Sorcerer

In Acts 8, Simon the Sorcerer believed in Jesus Christ. However, he was not saved. Simon desired the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so that he could perform signs and wonders. This was evidence that he was indeed not saved. The example of Simon the Sorcerer continues to occur today. Many believe in Jesus Christ… Continue reading Simon the Sorcerer

Filled with the Holy Spirit

Pentecostals / charismatics believe that only they can be ‘Filled with the Holy Spirit’. This is not correct. They believe that only they are ‘Baptized in the Holy Spirit’. Pentecostals and Charismatics understand this to be a higher level of being a Christian. In particular, they believe that Baptism in the Holy Spirit means to… Continue reading Filled with the Holy Spirit

Baptized in Fire

Pentecostals and Charismatics usually believe that the meaning of ‘Baptism in Fire’ is that of an emotional / passionate desire for God. However, when the Bible is carefully examined, that is not a correct understanding. The Bible teaches that God’s people being in fire points to the trials they will endure as a Christian for… Continue reading Baptized in Fire

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Pentecostals and Charismatics believe that being ‘Baptized in the Holy Spirit’ results in a higher level of being a Christian. In particular, they believe that Baptism in the Holy Spirit means to be specially endued with the power of the Holy Spirit to enable signs and wonders. However, signs and wonders ceased when the New… Continue reading Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Day of Pentecost

The Day of Pentecost is an important element of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movement. It is important because it was the day that the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell in the disciples of Jesus Christ (Acts 2).  But, Pentecostals and Charismatics inappropriately emphasize the signs and wonders that occurred that day (i.e., speaking in… Continue reading Day of Pentecost

Are there Apostles Today?

Although Pentecostals and Charismatics are very prevalent in Christianity, the signs and wonders that they believe in are false.  Signs and wonders belonged to the Apostles who saw and heard Jesus Christ (2 Cor 12:12, Heb 2:3-4).  But, true signs and wonders ceased upon completion of the New Testament. However, apostolic signs and wonders were… Continue reading Are there Apostles Today?

Signs & Wonders Ceased

Although Pentecostals and Charismatics are very prevalent in Christianity, the signs and wonders that they believe in are false.  The true signs and wonders ceased upon completion of the New Testament. However, true signs and wonders provided important purposes. They validated the ministries of Jesus Christ and those in the Apostolic Church. Also, the signs… Continue reading Signs & Wonders Ceased

False Signs and Wonders

Pentecostals and Charismatics are defined by signs and wonders. However, these ‘miracles’ are false. Also, they are a prominent feature of the Great Tribulation. But, even now in the Apostasy in which we currently live, we see these events occurring, albeit false. Pentecostals and Charismatics falsely teach that these ‘miracles’ are evidence of the ‘Baptism… Continue reading False Signs and Wonders

Baptism – Is it Needed for Salvation?

Much of Christianity teaches that one must be baptized with water in order to be saved. This belief pervades many notable denominations.  This includes Roman Catholicism, various protestant churches and other denominations. On the surface, there seems to be several Scriptures that teach that baptism with water is necessary for saved. On the other hand,… Continue reading Baptism – Is it Needed for Salvation?