Can Salvation be Lost?

A large percentage of Christian denominations and churches believe that salvation can be lost.  That is, a person can be genuinely saved and then decide to fall away from God. This teaching is a false gospel. This teaching reflects a  wrong understanding concerning the nature of salvation. There are passages in the Bible that appear… Continue reading Can Salvation be Lost?

Tithes into Storehouse?

This study examines Mat 3:7-12 concerning the tithes being brought into the storehouse. There is a beautiful symbolic truth in this passage. Tithes brought into the storehouse is symbolic of the salvation of God’s people, who receive an abundance of blessing in the kingdom of God. Tithing was required in the Mosaic Law, but these… Continue reading Tithes into Storehouse?

Prosperity Theology – False Teaching

Many Pentecostal and other charismatic independent churches believe in ‘prosperity theology’. Prosperity theology is known by many names. The fundament belief of this theology is that financial, material and healing blessings are always God’s will. By faith, positive confession and by seed faith giving (including tithing), Christians can claim these blessings. However, this teaching is… Continue reading Prosperity Theology – False Teaching

Dreams & Visions Today?

Does God still speak to us in dreams and visions today? In Old Testament times, God often spoke to the prophets through dreams and visions. Even in the time of the Apostolic church, God spoke in dreams and visions.  However, God no longer speaks to us in dreams and visions.  God speaks to us through… Continue reading Dreams & Visions Today?

Spiritual Gift of Prophecy?

Pentecostals believe that the spiritual gift (Greek: charisma) of prophecy is a special (supernatural) ability given to them. They believe that the gift of prophecy is the ability to receive direct revelation from God.  However, this special gift of prophecy ceased after the Apostolic age.  Of course, Jesus Christ is the true Prophet since He… Continue reading Spiritual Gift of Prophecy?

Demon Possession Today

An important teaching of Pentecostals and Charismatics is casting out of demons. They believe in deliverance ministries. These ministries supposedly heal people from demonic oppression and obsession.  This activity is also an important ‘church growth’ strategy in the Pentecostal churches. Once saved, the Holy Spirit indwells the Christian (Baptism of the Holy Spirit).  This indwelling… Continue reading Demon Possession Today