Way of Cain – Three Errors

What is the Way of Cain? Cain, the borther of Abel committed the first murder. However, there are 3 key errors that Cain committed. Unfortunately, they are prevalent in the church today. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the readers of false teaching within the church. The false teachers in the church turn… Continue reading Way of Cain – Three Errors

Blasphemy – False Teachers

The False Teachers of Jude commit blasphemy. But, what is blasphemy? And, how do false teachers blaspheme God and the Lord Jesus Christ. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the readers of false teaching within the church. The false teachers in the church turn the grace of God is tuned into licentiousness (a… Continue reading Blasphemy – False Teachers

Was Lot Righteous?

Sodom and Gomorrah is an important ‘type’ in Bible prophecy. The Days of Lot are a type of the Great Tribulation. Also, Sodom is a Type of the False Christian church. That is, in Rev 11:8, Sodom is a spiritual reference to Jerusalem, which is symbolic for the nominal Christian church. The conditions in Sodom… Continue reading Was Lot Righteous?

Sodom – a Type of the False Christian Church

Sodom and Gomorrah is an important ‘type’ in Bible prophecy. Sodom is a Type of the False Christian church. That is, in Rev 11:8, Sodom is a spiritual reference to Jerusalem, which is symbolic for the nominal Christian church. The conditions in Sodom are typical of the conditions of the end-time church. Also, the destruction… Continue reading Sodom – a Type of the False Christian Church