Soulish, not having the Spirit

What does it mean to be ‘soulish’, not having the Spirit?  This is a description of false teachers in the church. But, it can also describe many people who call themselves Christians. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the readers of false teaching within the church. The false teachers in the church turn… Continue reading Soulish, not having the Spirit

Flattery – False Teachers

Many church leaders and teachers flatter people for money and admiration. This is discussed in Jude 16. These use great swelling words to make others like them and support them. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the readers of false teaching within the church. The false teachers in the church turn the grace… Continue reading Flattery – False Teachers

Murmuring and Complaining

Murmuring and Complaining was promoted by False Teachers in the Book of Jude. The Bible warns against the false teachers in the church, who promote these behaviors. These lustful false teachers use great swelling words so people will admire them. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the readers of false teaching within the… Continue reading Murmuring and Complaining

Ungodliness – What it Means

What is ungodliness and what is godliness? Ungodliness is a key feature in the Prophecy of Enoch? This prophecy in Jude 14-15 describes the judgment of false teachers that are in the churches today. This prophecy has an important spiritual meaning. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the readers of false teaching within… Continue reading Ungodliness – What it Means

Prophecy of Enoch

What is the spiritual significance of the Prophecy of Enoch? Why is the Prophecy of Enoch contained in the Book of Jude? This prophecy in Jude 14-15 describes the judgment of false teachers that are in the churches today. This prophecy has an important spiritual meaning. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the… Continue reading Prophecy of Enoch