On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the dead in Christ are raised first. Then, those who are alive and remain at the coming of the Lord are caught up together with them in the clouds. This video explores the spiritual meaning of why the dead in Christ must be raised… Continue reading Dead Raised First – Why?
Death Sleep
On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the dead in Christ are raised. The dead in Christ are said to be ‘asleep’. This awakening points to the resurrection of the dead in Christ. However, sleep is only referred to as what happens to the phyiscal body when it dies. The future… Continue reading Death Sleep
How are Christians Blameless on the Last Day?
On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Christians are blameless. That means that they are without sin since the fleshly body is shed. Christians are viewed as holy and blameless in their spirit existence. The flesh is not and never will be saved. It is prone to sin until the day… Continue reading How are Christians Blameless on the Last Day?
Crown of Rejoicing (Boasting)
n the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Christians receive a crown. God’s people are kings in Christ. They receive a crown of righteousness, eternal life and glory. In 1 Th 2:19, the crown of ‘rejoicing’ is literally a crown of ‘boasting’. This boasting is in God’s work, which is done in… Continue reading Crown of Rejoicing (Boasting)
Called of God – Its Meaning in Prophecy
Christians are a ‘called out’ people. In fact, the word ‘church’ means to be ‘called out’. This video examines what it means to be called of God. God calls through the Word of God (Gospel). Also, the Bible teaches that many are called, but few are chosen (elected). Only God’s people (the Elect) are given… Continue reading Called of God – Its Meaning in Prophecy
Feast of Trumpets and its Prophetic Significance
The Feast of Trumpets is one of the very important festivals in the Old Testament. All the festivals have spiritual meaning. The spiritual meaning of the Feast of Trumpets is important in prophecy. It is also notable that the festival occurs on the first day of the seventh month. Why does it occur at this… Continue reading Feast of Trumpets and its Prophetic Significance
Not Appointed to Wrath?
The Bible teaches that Christians are delivered from the wrath of God. Jesus Christ is the Deliverer. Wrath points to God’s passionate anger (Judgment Day). The unsaved are appointed to wrath at the End (Last Day). However, God’s people, are delivered (rescued) from the day of God’s wrath. To be rescued means that they are… Continue reading Not Appointed to Wrath?
Patience in Prophecy
There are several passage in the Thessalonian epistles that teach the importance of patience. All true Christians will patiently wait for Jesus Christ. Christians are patient because of the hope they have in the glory of eternal life. While patiently waiting, Christians are proved because of their faith. The Word of God provides comfort while… Continue reading Patience in Prophecy
ALL Christians will ALWAYS Forgive
Matthew 6:15 teaches that if a person cannot forgive others, then they will not be forgiven by God. In other words, if they cannot forgive, they cannot be saved. The Bible teaches that all true Christians will ultimately forgive everyone that has wronged them. But, how is this possible? Aren’t there some cases where people… Continue reading ALL Christians will ALWAYS Forgive
Faultless on the Last Day?
In Jude 24-25, the Bible teaches that God keeps His people from falling. In other words, God works in their lives to keep them holy. But, how does this occur? Also, God’s people are faultless on the Last Day. What does this mean? The epistle of Jude is written to warn the readers of false… Continue reading Faultless on the Last Day?