The day of the Lord is the Last Day, which includes Judgment Day and salvation for God’s people (General Resurrection). This day comes upon the unsaved as a ‘thief in the night’. The symbol of a ‘thief in the night’ points to the fact that for the unsaved, end-time prophecy is unimportant and life seems… Continue reading Thief in the Night
Times and Seasons in Prophecy
The Bible teaches that Christians are to know the times and the seasons. However, they will not know the day or hour of the Last Day. In other words, Christians are to know the times and seasons such as the church age, the Apostasy and the Great Tribulation, which occurs just before the Last Day.… Continue reading Times and Seasons in Prophecy
Caught up in the Clouds
The Bible teaches His people are caught up into the clouds at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. They meet Jesus Christ in the ‘air’. Clouds are symbolic for the glorious return of Jesus Christ in victory. Air is symbolic of the place of the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This passage points… Continue reading Caught up in the Clouds
Trumpet of God – Second Coming of Jesus Christ
On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, there is a sound of a trumpet. In the Bible, a trumpet symbolizes preparation (announcement) of war. Judgment Day (Battle of Armageddon) occurs on the Last Day. This is the seventh trumpet discussed in the Book of Revelation. It also symbolizes the gathering of… Continue reading Trumpet of God – Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Voice of the Archangel
On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Voice of the Archangel is heard. ‘Arch’ means chief or first. Angel simply means ‘messenger’ (which could be God Himself, spiritual angels or human messengers). It is important to understand that Jesus Christ, as God, is the chief messenger (archangel) of the Gospel.… Continue reading Voice of the Archangel
Shout in Prophecy
On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, there is a shout. The Lord Jesus Christ descends from heaven with a shout. A shout in prophecy points to praise and joy in spiritual battle. A shout was a typical command in the battles of Israel / Judah. Also, a shout occurred at… Continue reading Shout in Prophecy
Dead Raised First – Why?
On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the dead in Christ are raised first. Then, those who are alive and remain at the coming of the Lord are caught up together with them in the clouds. This video explores the spiritual meaning of why the dead in Christ must be raised… Continue reading Dead Raised First – Why?
Death Sleep
On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the dead in Christ are raised. The dead in Christ are said to be ‘asleep’. This awakening points to the resurrection of the dead in Christ. However, sleep is only referred to as what happens to the phyiscal body when it dies. The future… Continue reading Death Sleep
How are Christians Blameless on the Last Day?
On the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Christians are blameless. That means that they are without sin since the fleshly body is shed. Christians are viewed as holy and blameless in their spirit existence. The flesh is not and never will be saved. It is prone to sin until the day… Continue reading How are Christians Blameless on the Last Day?
Crown of Rejoicing (Boasting)
n the Last Day, at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Christians receive a crown. God’s people are kings in Christ. They receive a crown of righteousness, eternal life and glory. In 1 Th 2:19, the crown of ‘rejoicing’ is literally a crown of ‘boasting’. This boasting is in God’s work, which is done in… Continue reading Crown of Rejoicing (Boasting)