The Antichrist (Man of Sin) is powered by Satan. Satan is restrained during the period of time known as the church age. The church age is symbolized by the Revelation 20 Millennium of 1000 years. During this time, Satan is bound in the bottomless pit and therefore, his power is limited. The Man of Sin… Continue reading Restrainer of the Antichrist
Son of Perdition – Antichrist and Judas
The Man of Sin (Antichrist) is also referred to as the Son of Perdition. Perdition is the opposite of salvation. The word ‘perdition’ means destruction (loss / ruin). The Man of Sin is referred to a Son because he is the son of his father, the devil (Satan). The Man of Sin is powered by… Continue reading Son of Perdition – Antichrist and Judas
Man of Sin – the Antichrist
The Man of Sin is the Antichrist. This title is just one of many references to the Antichrist found throughout the Bible. The Man of Sin, like the Antichrist, is opposed to the Christ (Prophet, Priest and King). Notably his pride is similar to other notable entities in the Bible that are the Antichrist. Also,… Continue reading Man of Sin – the Antichrist
Deception about the Timing of Second Coming of Christ
There is much deception concerning the timing of the return of Jesus Christ. 2 Th 2:1-3 teaches that there will be two events prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. These two events are the ‘apostasy’ and the revealing of the Man of Sin. There is much false prophecy in the ‘Christian’ churches and… Continue reading Deception about the Timing of Second Coming of Christ
Salt of the Earth – Spiritual Meaning
The Bible teaches that all Christians are the salt of the earth. But, what does that mean? Most churches teach that salt represents the flavor that a Christian brings to this world. Sometimes, they teach that Christians are a preservative for this world. These opinions are not correct. The Bible teaches that salt points to… Continue reading Salt of the Earth – Spiritual Meaning
Everlasting Destruction – What it Means
The Bible teaches that there is a Last Day destruction by fire. On the Last Day, there will be Judgment. This judgment is described in a variety of ways. A person is made up of three parts: spirit, soul and body. The spirit is what connects us to God. The soul is what connects us… Continue reading Everlasting Destruction – What it Means
Revelation of Jesus Christ
The Bible much to say about the Revelation of Jesus Christ. On the Last Day, Jesus Christ is revealed for both Judgment and Salvation. For the unsaved, it is Judgment Day, but for the saved, it is the day of the salvation of their souls. The ‘Revelation’ is from the Greek word ‘apocalypse’, which literally… Continue reading Revelation of Jesus Christ
Tribulation in Prophecy
There are three ‘tribulation’ events in the Bible. First, all Christians endure tribulation in the body because of the name of Jesus Christ. Second, there is a period of time known as the Great Tribulation, where the churches become desolate due to the revealing of the Antichrist (Man of Sin) and the placement of the… Continue reading Tribulation in Prophecy
Pain in Childbirth – The Last Days
The Bible teaches that the Last Days are symbolized by the Pain of Childbirth. This video explores the prophetic significance of the pains (travail) of childbirth. There are three fulfillments in the Bible concerning the symbolism of pain in childbirth. First, one’s salvation of their spirit in the body is symbolized by the pain of… Continue reading Pain in Childbirth – The Last Days
Peace and Safety, then Sudden Destruction
The Bible teaches that when people say ‘peace and safety’, then sudden destruction comes. By destruction, it is meant Judgment Day. This statement ‘peace and safety’ relates to the time period known as the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation occurs just before the Last Day (Judgment Day). This ‘peace and safety’ that people believe in… Continue reading Peace and Safety, then Sudden Destruction