Christian Love Feasts and their ‘Spots’

The Book of Jude warns us of Spots in Christain Love Feasts. What are these spots and what is a Christian love feast? This warning points to corruption within Christian churches. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the readers of false teaching within the church. The false teachers in the church turn the grace of God is tuned into licentiousness (a license to sin). This teaching is very predominant in the church today. False teaching quietly infiltrates into the nominal Christian church. The nominal Christian church consists of both true Christians and false Christians (e.g., Mat 7:21-23, Lk 13:24-30). In the book of Jude, there are several historical and symbolic illustrations to point out the errors that crept into the nominal church. Please click on link below to view a You Tube video on this topic, Or, please visit the Jude Page for more infromation.

spots love feasts

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