What is the Great Tribulation like? In addition to captivity and scattering during the Babylonian Captivity (which is a type of the Great Tribulation), we find that killing of some of the people of Judah also occurred. In Ezekiel 14:12-23, we find a prophecy regarding the desolation of the land of Judah by the four sore… Continue reading The Four Sore Judgments of Famine, Evil Beasts, Sword and Pestilence
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Scattering of God’s People during the Great Tribulation
The scattering of the people of Judah during the Babylonian Captivity serves as an important portrait of what will happen to God’s people during the Great Tribulation. Prior to salvation, God’s elect are considered as scattered sheep that will be regathered by Jesus Christ once they are saved in the spirit (born again / given… Continue reading Scattering of God’s People during the Great Tribulation
Why did the Babylonian Captivity Occur and why it Applies to the Church Today
The Babylonian Captivity was that time of persecution, captivity and scattering that happened to Judah. This time period is also a type of the Great Tribulation that occurs just prior to the return of Christ. The causes of the Babylonian Captivity are already evident in the churches today. Therefore, it is important to study and… Continue reading Why did the Babylonian Captivity Occur and why it Applies to the Church Today
The Babylonian Captivity in the Olivet Discourse – A Type of the Great Tribulation
When the Babylonian Captivity of Judah is carefully compared to the Olivet Discourse of Mat 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, we can find that the Babylonian Captivity is referred to as a type of the Great Tribulation. The significance of this is immense. Since the Babylonian Captivity is a type of the impending Great… Continue reading The Babylonian Captivity in the Olivet Discourse – A Type of the Great Tribulation
What is the Babylonian Captivity? Its Importance to Christians Today
It is very important is to carefully consider the Babylonian Captivity of the Old Testament. Many that are interested in prophecy (pre-millennialists) believe that the Babylonian Captivity is just an historical event. They believe that it applies to Old Testament Israel only and that it does not directly impact the church today. However, when this… Continue reading What is the Babylonian Captivity? Its Importance to Christians Today
Christians and Politics? How should a Christian Vote?
Christian politics is a strong factor in election outcomes and the shaping of politics in the world today. To what extent should a Christian be involved in politics? Should a Christian Vote? If so, how should a Christian decide to vote? Let us turn to the Bible to find answers to these questions. In the… Continue reading Christians and Politics? How should a Christian Vote?
Welcome to the Rock of Offence
This ministry serves to exalt Jesus Christ and His three-fold ministry of being a Prophet, Priest and King. The title ‘Christ’ means the ‘Anointed One’, which has the same meaning as the title ‘Messiah’ used in the Old Testament. Therefore, both Christ and Messiah refer to the Anointed One, or literally, the ‘one who is… Continue reading Welcome to the Rock of Offence