Greatest Earthquake in Prophecy

Greatest Earthquake: In Rev 16:18-20, the Bible teaches us that there will be a great earthquake. In fact, this will be the greatest earthquake ever. But, what does this earthquake symbolize? And, why do all the islands and mountains flee away? Finally, why does that Great City, Babylon become divided into 3 parts? Also, why… Continue reading Greatest Earthquake in Prophecy

Armageddon Battle

Armageddon Battle: In Rev 16:14-16, the Bible teaches that there will be a final battle. This is the contents of the sixth bowl of God’s wrath. But, what does this battle mean? And, who is in the battle? Why do unclean spirits gather people together for the battle of Armageddon? Finally, who to the kings… Continue reading Armageddon Battle

Third Bowl of God’s Wrath

In Revelation 16, the Bible teaches us that the rivers and fountains of water become as blood. This is the third golden bowl of God’s wrath. Additionally, this bowl is poured out on the waters because God is righteous. It is time for Judgment. But, why pour it into the rivers and fountains of water?… Continue reading Third Bowl of God’s Wrath