In Rev 22:1, the Bible teaches that there is a pure river that comes out of the throne of God. Also, this pure river is the water of life. But, what does this mean? And, why is this symbol used? Why is the river pure? Finally, why is it called the water of life? This… Continue reading River of Water of Life (Rev 22:1)
Category: Uncategorized
Open Gates of New Jerusalem
In Rev 21, the Bible teaches that the gates of New Jerusalem are always open. But, why is this? Also, the honor and glory of the kings are brought through these gates. But, no abominations, things that defile or deceit can enter in. However, those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life can… Continue reading Open Gates of New Jerusalem
Glorious Light New Jerusalem
In Rev 21-22, New Jerusalem has glorious light. There is no more sun or moon, but there is a beautiful, glorious light. But, where does this light come from? And, why is this light like a precious jasper stone, which is clear as crystal? Please click on link below to view a You Tube video… Continue reading Glorious Light New Jerusalem
New Jerusalem Gold, Pearls, Precious Stones
In Rev 21:18-21, the Bible teaches that New Jerusalem will be beautifully adorned. The gates will be as pearls. The city and street will be of gold. The walls will be of jasper. And, the foundations will be adorned with precious stones. But, what does this mean? These are all symbolic portraits of eternity with… Continue reading New Jerusalem Gold, Pearls, Precious Stones
New Jerusalem Measurements Symbolic
New Jerusalem Measurements: In Rev 21:15-17, the Bible provides measurements of New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is symbolic for the dwelling place of God and His people for eternity. But, why is it ‘four square’? And, the city measures 12,000 furlongs and the wall is 144 cubits. There is beautiful spiritual truth in all of these… Continue reading New Jerusalem Measurements Symbolic
12 Tribes Gates of New Jerusalem
In Rev 21:12-13, the Bible teaches that the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel are on the gates of New Jerusalem. But, why is that? What is the significance of the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel. When these 12 names are studied, beautiful spiritual truth emerges. Also, New Jerusalem has a symbolic… Continue reading 12 Tribes Gates of New Jerusalem
New Jerusalem Walls, Gates and Foundations
In Rev 21, the Bible reveals New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem symbolizes the eternal dwelling place of God and His people. But, what do the walls, gates and foundations of the City of God represent? And, why are these symbols an important spiritual lesson for us? Please click on the link below to watch a You… Continue reading New Jerusalem Walls, Gates and Foundations
Feast Tabernacles Prophecy
In Revelation 21, the Bible teaches that God will tabernacle with His people. This is an important reference to the Feast of Tabernacles. And, God will dwell with His people in New Jerusalem. That ism God Himself will be with His people. And, they are as a bride married to her Husband (Jesus Christ). Please… Continue reading Feast Tabernacles Prophecy
New Jerusalem
In Rev 21, the Bible teaches that a New Jerusalem exists in eternity. But, what does this mean? And, why is it a New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is the dwelling place of God and His people. It is the Bride of Christ. And, it is also called a holy and great city. Please click on… Continue reading New Jerusalem
New Heavens New Earth
In Rev 21:1-7, the Bible teaches that there will be a new heavens and a new earth. But, what happens to the existing heavens and earth? And, what will the new earth will be like? This new heavens and new earth will usher in an eternity with God. And finally, why is a new heavens… Continue reading New Heavens New Earth