Open Gates of New Jerusalem

In Rev 21, the Bible teaches that the gates of New Jerusalem are always open. But, why is this? Also, the honor and glory of the kings are brought through these gates. But, no abominations, things that defile or deceit can enter in. However, those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life can… Continue reading Open Gates of New Jerusalem

Feast Tabernacles Prophecy

In Revelation 21, the Bible teaches that God will tabernacle with His people. This is an important reference to the Feast of Tabernacles. And, God will dwell with His people in New Jerusalem. That ism God Himself will be with His people. And, they are as a bride married to her Husband (Jesus Christ).  Please… Continue reading Feast Tabernacles Prophecy

New Jerusalem

In Rev 21, the Bible teaches that a New Jerusalem exists in eternity. But, what does this mean? And, why is it a New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is the dwelling place of God and His people. It is the Bride of Christ. And, it is also called a holy and great city.  Please click on… Continue reading New Jerusalem

New Heavens New Earth

In Rev 21:1-7, the Bible teaches that there will be a new heavens and a new earth. But, what happens to the existing heavens and earth? And, what will the new earth will be like? This new heavens and new earth will usher in an eternity with God. And finally, why is a new heavens… Continue reading New Heavens New Earth