In Daniel 2, the Daniel interprets a dream of the King of Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar). This dream is about a Great Image. Also, the image has a gold head, breast and arms of silver, belly and thigs of brass and legs of iron and feet or iron mixed with clay. But, what do these symbols mean?… Continue reading Great Image of Daniel 2
Category: Uncategorized
King of Babylon – Antichrist
In Isaiah 14, the Bible provides characteristics and actions of the King of Babylon. This prophecy represents the Antichrist and Satan. Satan powers and indwells the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation. Babylon and its King are featured in the Old Testament prophets including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and some of the minor prophets. Babylon is… Continue reading King of Babylon – Antichrist
Man of Sin – Antichrist
In 2 Thess 2, the Bible teaches that just after the falling away (apostasy), the Man of Sin will be revealed. This event initiates the Great Tribulation. The Man of Sin is a description of the Antichrist. This individual is not only a world leader, but takes his seat in the church. In the Bible,… Continue reading Man of Sin – Antichrist
Jesus Comes Quickly – The Time is at Hand
In Rev 22, the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ will come quickly. Also, the Bible teaches that the time of the return of Jesus Christ is at hand. But, how can this be true? The Book of Revelation was written almost 2000 years ago, yet Jesus Christ has not yet returned. But, the quick return… Continue reading Jesus Comes Quickly – The Time is at Hand
Prophecy – Adding and Taking Away
In Rev 22:18-19, the Bible pronounces judgment on those who add or take away from the words of prophecy. That is, the Bible indicates that false prophecy is a sign of damnation. But, what are these judgments on false prophets? And, why does the Bible end the Book of Revelation with this dire warning? The… Continue reading Prophecy – Adding and Taking Away
7th Beatitude of Revelation
In Rev 22:11-15, God teaches us the 7th Beatitude. There are 7 beatitudes (blessings) in Revelation. A ‘blessing’ is the highest spiritual good, which is salvation in Jesus Christ. This final beatitude indicates that all God’s people (true Christians) will do the commandments of God. Of course, all people in the flesh still are plagued… Continue reading 7th Beatitude of Revelation
6th Beatitude of Revelation – Keep the Prophecy
In the Book of Revelation, there are seven (7) beatitudes. A beatitude is a blessing. A blessing is the highest spiritual good of salvation. In Rev 22:6-10, the Bible discusses the sixth (6th) blessing of Revelation. And, that blessing is for those who keep the sayings of the prophecy of the Book of Revelation. And,… Continue reading 6th Beatitude of Revelation – Keep the Prophecy
God’s Throne in Eternity – Where is the Holy Spirit?
In Rev 22:3-4, the Bible teaches that God’s people will see God and the Lamb on the throne. But, where is the Holy Spirit in Eternity? Also, there shall be no more curse in eternity. Rather, the servants of God will serve Him forever. But, what is the symbolic meaning of this passage? And, why… Continue reading God’s Throne in Eternity – Where is the Holy Spirit?
Tree of Life – Symbolic Meaning
In Rev 22:2, the Bible teaches that there will be a beautiful tree of life in eternity. But, what is the symbolic meaning of this tree? Also, why is this tree in the middle of the street and at the same time it is on both sides of the river? Notably, there are very important… Continue reading Tree of Life – Symbolic Meaning
Apostasy Now
The Bible teaches that there will be a falling away just prior to the Great Tribulation (2 Thess 2:3). The Greek word for ‘falling away’ is ‘apostasia’ which is transliterated into English as ‘Apostasy’. This word literally means to ‘stand away from’. Other Bible verses (1 Tim 4:1, Lk 8:13, Heb 3:12) teach that this… Continue reading Apostasy Now