Much of Christianity teaches that one must be baptized with water in order to be saved. This belief pervades many notable denominations. This includes Roman Catholicism, various protestant churches and other denominations. On the surface, there seems to be several Scriptures that teach that baptism with water is necessary for saved. On the other hand,… Continue reading Baptism – Is it Needed for Salvation?
Category: Uncategorized
Romans Road to Salvation – The Real Road
The Book of Romans traches much about salvation. However, many only present very few passages in Romans to describe the way of salvation. By doing so, they selectively omit certain passages that provide a much more complete view of salvation. This video present a more complete view of the road to salvation. And, this video… Continue reading Romans Road to Salvation – The Real Road
Meekness – What it really Means!
The word ‘meek’ is normally associated with weak. Moreover, it is usually considered as a derogatory term to describe an ineffective person. But, that is not what the Bible teaches about ‘meekness’. In fact, Jesus Christ and Moses were considered to be meek. James 3:13-17 is a key Bible passage that defines what it really… Continue reading Meekness – What it really Means!
Rapture or Resurrection?
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ occurs on the Last Day. On the last day, a General Resurrection of all people who ever existed occurs. God’s people will be resurrected into eternal life. But, all others will receive the resurrection of damnation (John 5:28-29, 1 Cor 15:5054, etc.). However, the false prophecy of Premillennialism embraces the term ‘Rapture’ to… Continue reading Rapture or Resurrection?
Second Coming of Jesus Christ
The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ occurs on the Last Day. The Last Day includes the promised salvation of the soul for God’s people as well as Judgment for those who are not God’s people. The Second Coming of Jesus is also described as the ‘Parousia’ which is the Greek work for ‘presence’.… Continue reading Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Prince of Tyre – A Type of the Antichrist
The Prince of Tyre (Eze 28:1-10) is a Type of the Antichrist. The key characteristics and actions of this prince include pride and the desire for worldly wisdom and riches. Similar to the Man of Sin in 2 Th 2:3-4, he asserts that he is a god and sits in the seat of god (Eze… Continue reading Prince of Tyre – A Type of the Antichrist
Run to and From and Knowledge shall Increase
In Daniel 12:4, the Bible teaches that knowledge will increase at the end-time. That is, during the end-time Great Tribulation, knowledge about God and the Word of God (Jesus Christ) increases. On the one hand, the Great Tribulation is a time of deception and proliferation of false churches and parachurches. But, on the other hand,… Continue reading Run to and From and Knowledge shall Increase
1290 / 1335 Days – Abomination of Desolation
In Daniel 11-12, the King of the North is a type of the end-time Antichrist. A key action during this time is the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up. In Dan 12:6-7, the Bible teaches that the abomination of desolation is set up for 3 and 1/2 times.… Continue reading 1290 / 1335 Days – Abomination of Desolation
King of the North (Antichrist)
In Dan 11:29-45, the King of the North is a type of the Antichrist. Dan 11 contains prophecy that covers the time period from the Medo-Persian Empire (c. 536 B.C.) to the Last Day. In Dan 11:29, there is a transition in the prophecy that moves the reader to the rise of the Antichrist during… Continue reading King of the North (Antichrist)
Prince (Antichrist) of the 70 Weeks Prophecy
In the 70 Weeks prophecy of Dan 9:24-27, the Bible teaches that there will be an ‘Abomination of Desolation’ that causes sacrifice and oblation (i.e., offering) to cease. This occurs in the middle of the 70th week of Daniel’s 70 week prophecy. In this middle time, there is an overspreading of abominations which causes the… Continue reading Prince (Antichrist) of the 70 Weeks Prophecy