The Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21) reveals the events of the Great Tribulation . A key event in the Great Tribulation involves the killing of God’s people. This is not physical killing. But, there is an important spiritual meaning of the killing of God’s people. God’s people are silenced and separated. During… Continue reading Christians Killed in Great Tribulation – Spiritual Meaning
Category: Uncategorized
Parable of the Light on a Candlestick
The Parable of the Light on a Candlestick reveals important spiritual truth. The candlestick is a symbol for the church. The church is supposed to support and elevate the God’s people. God’s people are symbolized by light. They are light because they bring the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, when the church no… Continue reading Parable of the Light on a Candlestick
Christians to be Hated in the Great Tribulation
The Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21) discusses the event of the Great Tribulation. A key event in the Great Tribulation is the hatred of God’s people. But, why are God’s people be hated? As the Bible teaches, darkness hates the light. During the Great Tribulation, the false churches and parachurches are full… Continue reading Christians to be Hated in the Great Tribulation
Earthquakes in the Great Tribulation
The events of the Great Tribulation are discussed in the Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21). A key event in the Great Tribulation involves earthquakes. But, these earthquakes are not earthly earthquakes. These earthquakes are spiritual in nature. They involve judgments on the church. The Bible teaches us that judgment begins with the… Continue reading Earthquakes in the Great Tribulation
Pestilence in the Great Tribulation
The events of the Great Tribulation are discussed in the Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21). A key event in the Great Tribulation involves pestilence. But, these pestilences do not involve physical sickness. These pestilences are spiritual in nature. They involve the sickness of sin in the church. The Bible warns us of… Continue reading Pestilence in the Great Tribulation
Famines in the Great Tribulation
The events of the Great Tribulation are discussed in the Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21). A key event in the Great Tribulation involves famine. But, these famines are not physical hunger or scarcity. These famines are spiritual in nature. They involve a famine of not hearing the Words of God. This is… Continue reading Famines in the Great Tribulation
Rumors of War and Commotions in the Great Tribulation
The Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21) discusses the events of the Great Tribulation. A key event in the Great Tribulation is war. Also, the Bible speaks of ‘rumors’ of war and commotions. Rumors of war and commotion have important spirit6ual meanings. Many people incorrectly that rumors of wars refer to physical wars.… Continue reading Rumors of War and Commotions in the Great Tribulation
Wars in the Great Tribulation
The events of the Great Tribulation are discussed in the Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21). A key event in the Great Tribulation is war. Many people incorrectly think that these will be physical wars. But, the Bible teaches that these wars are spiritual wars. The war involves the kingdom of Satan and… Continue reading Wars in the Great Tribulation
Beginning of Sorrows – Wars, Famines, Pestilence, Earthquakes
The Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21) discusses the events of the Great Tribulation. The ‘Beginning of Sorrows’ (labor pain) is one of the symbols that describe the Great Tribulation. These labor pains include wars, famines, pestilence and earthquakes. However, these are symbolic references to events that occur in the Great Tribulation. The… Continue reading Beginning of Sorrows – Wars, Famines, Pestilence, Earthquakes
Babylonian Captivity in the Olivet Discourse
The events of the Great Tribulation are discussed in the Olivet Discourse (Mat 24, Mar 13, Luk 21). This important passage teaches that the ‘Babylonian Captivity’ of Judah is an important type of the Great Tribulation. Therefore, Christians must read Old Testament prophecy as types of what will occur in the Great Tribulation. This includes… Continue reading Babylonian Captivity in the Olivet Discourse