Prophecy of Enoch

What is the spiritual significance of the Prophecy of Enoch? Why is the Prophecy of Enoch contained in the Book of Jude? This prophecy in Jude 14-15 describes the judgment of false teachers that are in the churches today. This prophecy has an important spiritual meaning. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the… Continue reading Prophecy of Enoch

Love – 15 Characteristics

Most people in the world think love is a feeling or a desire. However, that is not true. Love is comprised of behaviors that demonstrate a life of ‘give’ and not ‘get’. There are 15 characteristics of love in 1 Cor 13:4-7. These traits must be present in all Christians since God is love and… Continue reading Love – 15 Characteristics

Gainsaying of Korah – Rebellion from the Word of God

Korah’s rebellion in Jude 11 and Num 16 is a very important lesson for God’s people today. The essence of the rebellion was from the authority established by God. ‘Gainsaying’ literally means ‘anti-message’ (i.e., against the Word of God). However, God’s Word (the Bible) is authoritative. The epistle of Jude is written to warn the… Continue reading Gainsaying of Korah – Rebellion from the Word of God

Divination – What it is

Divination is the practice of using mystical means to provide spiritual advice. It exists both in and out of the church. Outside the church, it is called things such as astrology, tarot card reading, crystal gazing, horoscopes, spiritual advisor, etc. In the church, it is spiritual advice gleaned by speaking in tongues, dreams and visions,… Continue reading Divination – What it is