Bible dogs. What does it really mean to worship God. Well, dogs provide us important insight. Moreover, many scholars affirm that the Greek word for worship is actually based, in part, on the word ‘dog’. This video discusses the symbolic meaning of dogs in the Bible. Although dogs are often used in a negative sense in the Bible, there is a beautiful spiritual meaning of dogs in the Bible, which includes true worship. In fact, dogs teach us much about how it is to worship God in spirit and truth. Dogs provide an important symbol of faithfulness and concern for their masters. We find that Christians are commanded to worship in spirit and in truth. The ‘spirit’ is our connection to God and is opposed to the ‘flesh’. Therefore, we should be cautious about getting too excited over worship that emphasizes the involvement of the flesh (e.g., music).

This study investigates the Biblical mean of ‘worship’. Examples of dogs as referring to people who become Christians is included in the video. Just as Bible dogs wait for the crumbs that fall from the master’s table, so too do Christians in faith wait upon Jesus Christ. This is seen in the story about the Canaanite woman found in John 4. Just observing dogs can give us great insight on how we are to worship. Worship does not mean excitement and wild music. As Bible dogs, music is important to the Christian, but nowhere in the Bible is it directly related to worship. Rather, worship is better defined as waiting upon God in serious, continual prayer and study of God’s Word. Christians, as Bible dogs revere the master and obey the master (Jesus Christ). It is no wonder why dogs provide such a tremendous witness as to how a Christian bible dogs are to worship.