Apostasy Now

The Bible teaches that there will be a falling away just prior to the Great Tribulation (2 Thess 2:3). The Greek word for ‘falling away’ is ‘apostasia’ which is transliterated into English as ‘Apostasy’. This word literally means to ‘stand away from’. Other Bible verses (1 Tim 4:1, Lk 8:13, Heb 3:12) teach that this falling away is a departure from God and His Word. Of course, a true Christian can never fall away from God. But, many who were nominally church-attenders or at least, respected the Bible’s moral code, will fall away during this falling away’. They will lose interest in knowing God and His Word. This falling away is further explained in 2 Tim 3:1-13. Moreover, 2 Tim 3 reveals 20 characteristics of the culture, which all exist today. Please click below to view a You Tube video on this topic or continue with the study below. Or, please visit the Apostasy page in this website.

apostasy now

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