
As the Prophet, Jesus Christ is the Word of God. By the Spirit of Christ, the prophets and apostles wrote the Bible. Jesus told us that His words are spirit and they are life. It is by the Bible that His people are saved and are made holy.

Read more about the power of Word of God and how to interpret it spiritually and correctly


As the Priest, Jesus Christ is our Intercessor with God the Father. It is by His sacrificial blood that we are saved and reconciled with God. Jesus is the only Mediator and the only way to salvation. He has done all the work necessary to save the Elect from damnation though His faithfulness.

Read more about salvation of the elect by the faith of Christ


As the King of Kings, Jesus Christ is sovereign, His divine power has given His people everything necessary for eternal life and godliness. Because He is King, His people will earnestly desire to obey and serve Him in righteousness.

Read more about the Christian's earnest desire for holiness

Christ in the Deserts and Secret Places (False Prophecy)

In the Great Tribulation, there will be much false prophecy. One of these false prophecies addressed in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 is that Christ has already come back. The false prophecy is that he is in the deserts and the secret places. This false prophecy essentially teaches that Christ is not coming back on the Last Day. This existential belief is false. Even, today, this false teaching is pervasive within ‘Christian’ churches. The Great Tribulation is the ‘little season’ of deception that occurs just before the Last Day (second coming of Jesus Christ). The Great Tribulation occurs when Satan is loosed from his prison and goes forth to deceive the church. He powers the Antichrist, who will lead in both politics and the church. The Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of Jesus that is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Olivet Discourse in Parallel page on this website.

Christ already here in the Deserts and Secret Places

deserts secret places

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Pretribulational Rapture – False Prophecy in Churches

The Pretribulational Rapture is a false prophecy. This false teaching is pervasive within ‘Christian’ churches. This prophecy teaches that a rapture could occur at any moment. It deceives people to believe that Christians will not go through the ‘Great Tribulation’. This will result in people not recognizing the ‘Antichrist’ and that they are in the Great Tribulation.  The Great Tribulation is the ‘little season’ of deception that occurs just before the Last Day (second coming of Jesus Christ). It occurs when Satan is loosed from his prison and goes forth to deceive the church. He powers the Antichrist, who will lead in both politics and the church. The Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of Jesus that is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Clcik on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Olivet Discourse page on this website.

Pretribulational Rapture – False Prophecy

pretribulational rapture

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False Prophets of the Great Tribulation

There will be many false prophets during the Great Tribulation. But, what do they falsely teach? This video explores what the Bible teaches concerning the nature of false prophecy. The Great Tribulation is the ‘little season’ of deception that occurs just before the Last Day (second coming of Jesus Christ). The Great Tribulation occurs when Satan is loosed from his prison and goes forth to deceive the church. He powers the Antichrist, who will lead in both politics and the church. The Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of Jesus that is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Olivet Discourse Page on this website.

False Prophets of the Great Tribulation

false prophets

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False Christs and Antichrists – What is the Difference?

There will be many false christs during the Great Tribulation. But, we also know from the Bible that there are antichrists. This video examines the differences between the two. This video also examines the difference between the ‘ end-time antichrist’ and false christs. The Great Tribulation occurs when Satan is loosed from his prison and goes forth to deceive the church. He powers the Antichrist, who will lead in both politics and the church. The Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of Jesus that is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Olivet Discourse Page on this website.

False christs and antichrists

false christs antichrists

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False Christs in the Great Tribulation

In the Olivet Discourse, false christs will arise. There main purpose is to lead people in deception. They will be leaders in the church. Also, the Bible tells us that there will be MANY false christs. False christs is one of the most important features of the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation occurs when Satan is loosed from his chains and goes out to deceive. He powers the Antichrist, who will lead in both politics and the church. The Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of Jesus that is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Olivet Discourse page on this website.

False Christs in the Great Tribulation

false christs

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Deception in the Great Tribulation

In the Olivet Discourse, there is important information about deception during the Great Tribulation. There will be many false prophets and false christs. In fact, deception is one of the most important features of the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation occurs when Satan is loosed from his chains and goes out to deceive. He powers the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The Olivet Discourse is a significant prophecy in the Gospels. The Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of Jesus that found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day.  Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Olivet Discourse page on this website.

Deceptions of the Great Tribulation

deception great tribulation

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Parable of the Two Debtors – 500 verses 50 Pence

The Parable of the Two Debtors reveals important spiritual information. This parable provides an important spiritual meaning for the church. One Debtor owes 500 pence. The other owes 50 pence. The parable compares a self-righteous Pharisee and a sinful woman who humbly anoints Jesus’ feet. The Pharisee is likened unto the debtor who owes 50 pence and the sinful woman to the debtor who owes 500 pence. This parable highlights a proud church going person who is self-righteous to a humble sinner rejected by the church who submits to God’s will.  But, what does the owing of 500 and 50 pence mean? And, why were both forgiven? Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Parables in the Gospels page on this website.

The Two Debtors Parable

Parable two debtors

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Where the Carcass is, the Eagles are Gathered Together – Spiritual Meaning

In the Olivet Discourse, there is important information about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Notably, the Last Day is like the gathering together of eagles (vultures) over the carcasses (dead bodies). This is symbolic language that provides us important information about Judgment Day. But, what is the spiritual meaning of eagles (vultures)? Why are dead bodies discussed in this passage? The Last Day is a glorious day of salvation when God’s people received their glorified spiritual bodies. But, it is also a day o0f judgment on the unsaved. The Olivet Discourse is a significant prophecy in the Gospels.  The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Olivet Discourse Page for more information.

Where Carcass is, Eagles Gathered 

eagles gathered

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Lightning in Prophecy – Spiritual Meaning

In the Olivet Discourse, there is important information about the second coming of Jesus Christ. On the Last Day, there is a great flash of lighting from one end of heaven to the other. This is symbolic language that provides us important information about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. But, what is the spiritual meaning of lightning? Why is the lightning used often in prophecy in the Bible? The Last Day is a glorious day of salvation when God’s people received their glorified spiritual bodies. The Olivet Discourse is a significant prophecy in the Gospels. This prophecy of Jesus is found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. Or, please visit the Olivet Discourse page on this website.

Lightning in Prophecy – Spiritual Meaning

lightning prophecy

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Trumpet in Prophecy – Spiritual Meaning of a Trumpet

In the Olivet Discourse, there is important information about the second coming of Jesus Christ. On the Last Day, there is a great sound of a Trumpet. But, what is the spiritual meaning of a trumpet? Why is the trumpet so important in prophecy? This video explores the prophetic meaning of the trumpet. The Last Day is a glorious day of salvation when God’s people received their glorified spiritual bodies. The Olivet Discourse is a significant prophecy in the Gospels. The Olivet Discourse is a prophecy of Jesus that found in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Olivet Discourse focuses on the End Times and outlines the spiritual events of the Great Tribulation and the Last Day. Click on the link below to view a You Tube video on this topic. or, please visit the Olivet Discourse Page on this website.

Trumpet in Prophecy

trumpet prophecy

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